sušenu na tradicionalni način, beli mrs – star ili mlad užički kajmak, ko- ji je napravljen od do- maćeg kravljeg mleka. Nakon ovakvog predje- la slede glavna jela, ko-
strong and mild local rakija brandy. Try crispy cornbread, prosciutto-style ham cured in a traditional way, white ‘mrs’ – mature or fresh ‘kajmak’ milk curd from Užice, made using domestic cow’s milk. Following this kind of appetiser come the main dishes, which taste best when made using famous clay pots from Zlak- usa. The queens of Užice’s delicacies are lazy pie and airy doughnuts sprin- kled with icing sugar, while you can also satisfy your sweet tooth with renowned local fruit compotes made from the fruit
ja su najukusnija kada se prave u čuve- nim zemljanim posudama iz Zlakuse. Kraljice užičkih poslastica jesu lenje pi- te i vazdušaste krofne posute šeće- rom u prahu, a možete se zasladiti i čuvenim kompotima od voća ubranog u domaćim voćnjacima. Zlatiborska bajka Na putu ka Zlatiboru upoznajte divne ljude i probajte fenomenalna jela. Šta je bolje i ukusnije, da li jagnjetina i te- letina ispod sača, janija ili pak smok sa dimljenim rebrima, teško je reći. U zla- tiborskom kraju skoro svako jelo se bar pred kraj preruči u zemljanu posudu i zapeče, što nesumnjivo daje poseban šmek. Ipak, kako je ovo pretežno brdo- vit i tradicionalno stočarski kraj, vrhun- cem gastronomske ponude smatra- ju se zlatiborska pršuta i kajmak. Iako se na sličan način pravi i u drugim bal- kanskim zemljama, kajmak je tradici- onalni srpski mlečni proizvod. Dobi- ja se sakupljanjem mlečne masti koja se čuva u specijalnim uslovima. Mo- že biti različitog ukusa, u zavisnosti od toga da li je svež ili star. Svaki je izvr- stan, a vi izaberite prema ukusu. Kaj- mak ovde nikako nije samo namaz, on se koristi i kao začin u pripremi mnogih tradicionalnih jela. Kao i pršutom, kaj- makom se puni meso, krompir, ma ide u sve i uz sve. U zlatiborskom kraju apetit se otva- ra rakijicom, najčešće od šljive, jabu- ke, dunje ili kruške. A dosta se piju i do- maći likeri. Domaćice najčešće prave onaj od bobičastog voća sa rumom, ali i od drenjine koje na planinskim vi- sovima ima u izobilju. Zato uživajte u zlatiborskom kraju, tamo se ne zna šta je bolje – hrana, priroda ili ljudi.
Western Serbia represents one of the regions of our country that’s able to boast of having typically Serbian spe- cialities. Exactly the way they used to be prepared in bygone times. But re- gardless of how much you focus on the wonderful culinary delights of this re- gion, don’t miss out on the chance to al- so explore its historical, cultural and nat- ural beauty Čačak specialities What first springs to mind when we think of Čačak is the delicious roast meat that is prepared in almost every house in the Čačak area. The traditional roasting method implies many hours of slow roasting a piglet or lamb on a spit, over a fire made specially for this pur- pose from beech wood, which is char- acterised by being of the highest quality for wood smoking. There are profes- sional roasters specialising in this culi- nary art all across Čačak and the sur- rounding area. One of the most famous local delicacies is ‘jagnjeća sarmica’, a kind of lamb roulade made from offal and accompanied with sour milk. Apart from roast meats, the Čačak area is also known for its excellent boiled cabbage. Užice spread The Užice area is part of Serbia that you can head to even if just to enjoy its ex- ceptional dishes. Of course, we have to give the top gastronomic rating to the famous ‘komplet lepinja’ – a flat bun with everything, which is prepared in a woodfired stove and is made by spread- ing ‘kajmak’ milk curd over the bot- tom half of a bread bun, adding a beat- en egg to it and baking this kind of open egg sandwich in the oven for 10 min- utes. Heated dripping, or natural gra- vy, is then poured over this baked mix. Thanks to its calorific value, this suc- culent dish will provide enough energy for you to hike up Zlatibor after you de- vour it! Užice folk recommend that you eat the bun with your fingers, tearing it to pieces until your hands and chin be- come greasy. The Zlatibor meze is also widely renowned and best served with
of local family orchards. Zlatibor fairy tale
Meet wonderful people and try phe- nomenal dishes on the road to Zlati- bor. It is tough to say which is tastier: lamb and veal under the bell, yahni- ya stew or dairy with smoked ribs. Al- most every dish in the Zlatibor region is cooked, or at least finished, by be- ing placed in a clay dish and baked, which undoubtedly gives it a special nu- ance. Still, given that this is a predomi- nantly hilly and traditional pastoral area, Zlatibor prosciutto-style ham and ‘kaj- mak’ milk curd are considered the pin- nacle of the local gastronomic offer. De- spite being prepared in a similar way in other Balkan countries, ‘kajmak’ milk curd is classed as a traditional Serbian dairy product. It is created by collecting milk fat that is then stored under spe- cial conditions. It can taste differently depending on whether it is fresh or ma- ture. Each type is excellent, and it’s up to you to choose your favourite based on your personal taste. In this area, Ka- jmak is by no means merely a spread, as it is also used as a flavouring in the preparation of many traditional dishes. Just like the local cured ham, milk curd is used as a stuffing for meats and potato dishes, though it really goes in and with everything. The favoured aperitif to whet the ap- petite in the Zlatibor area is local raki- ja brandy, most commonly plum, apple, quince or pear rakija. Homemade li- queurs are also a popular tipple. House- wives generally make it from various berries with rum, but also from cor- nel dogwood cherries, which are abun- dant on the higher mountain meadows. So, enjoy the Zlatibor area, where it isn’t known what’s better – the food, the na- ture or the people.
Kad se pomene čačak, odmah na pamet pada sočno pečenje / What first springs to mind when we think of Čačak is the delicious roast meat
Tastes of Serbia » Ukusi Srbije | 85
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