Destinacija / Destination
Kupujte kao plavuša iz „Bergdorfa“ Uspon konzumerizma na počet- ku ovog milenijuma i njegovu ži- vopisnu ikonografiju domišljato nam je dočarala jedna od bliskih saradnica Ane Vintur, urednica u „Vogu“ Plam Sajks u svojoj knji-
Shop like a Bergdorf blonde The rise of consumerism at the start of the millennium, together with its colourful iconography, was creatively portrayed for us by one of Anna Win- tour’s close collaborators, Vogue ed- itor Plum Sykes, in her novel Berg- dorf Blondes. Although that term was copied to a certain ex- tent from Skyes’ colleague
zi „Plavuše iz Bergdorfa“. Iako je taj pojam done- kle prepisala od ko- leginice Kendis Buš- nel, činjenica je da fenomen bogatih že- na koje neguju prepo- znatljivu blond nijansu jer troše milione na ulep-
Candace Bushnell, the fact is that the phenom- enon of rich women
who nurture a distinctive blonde look because they spend millions to beauti- fy themselves isn’t only fiction,
šavanje nije samo fikcija već i re- alnost na Menhetnu. Mesto gde se sreću na ručku, a usput ispi- pavaju najnovije couture kreaci- je i isprobaju trendove friško pri- stigle sa piste, upravo je slavni BG restoran sa pogledom na Central park snobovska zen oaza u srcu prestonice planete. Probajte Go- tam salatu.
but rather a Manhattan reality. The place where they meet for lunch, and en route check out the latest couture creations and try on trendy items fresh from the catwalk, is the famous Bergdorf Goodman restau- rant with its views over Central Park, a snobbish Zen oasis at the heart of this planetary capital. Try the Gotham Salad.
U Bruklinu su kuće ukrašene kao da se sve što čini Božić sručilo sa neba na njih / In Brooklyn houses are decorated as through everything that comprises Christmas has fallen from the sky on them
Blistajte u Bruklinu Ukoliko ne možete da odolite spekta- kularnim prazničnim ukrasima, pose- ta Dajker hajtsu biće poslastica za vaše oči. Vremenom je elaborativna deko- racija ovog komšiluka u Bruklinu prera- sla u atrakciju jer je svaka kuća ukraše- na kao da se sve što čini Božić sručilo sa neba upravo pred njom. U savrše- noj ravnoteži između prideva kič i kul, privlači horde posetilaca jer smo ispod svega samo deca željna novogodišnje čarolije. Već nekoliko dana nakon što Amerikanci proslave Dan zahvalnosti, kuće u Dajker hajtsu oblače se u svetlu- cavo praznično ruho. Shine brightly in Brooklyn If you simply can’t resist spectacu- lar holiday decorations, visiting Dyk- er Heights will provide a treat for your eyes. The elaborate Christmas deco- rations of this Brooklyn neighbourhood have gradually grown to become an attraction in their own right, because every house is decorated as through
everything that comprises Christ- mas has fallen from the sky and landed right in front. In a perfect balance be- tween the adjectives of kitsch and cool, the neighbourhood attracts mass- es of visitors of all ages, because be-
neath all of our façades we’re just kids who want some festive season magic. Just a few days after Americans cele- brate Thanksgiving, the houses of Dyker Heights are already decked out in spar- kling holiday garb.
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