SAP Value Stories

Why SAP?

ChargeX Professional Services | Germany

• Comprehensive functionality offered by the SAP E- Mobility solution, part of SAP’s industry cloud portfolio, to support road-based electric vehicles and help accelerate innovation and release cycles • Direct contact with the e-mobility product development team at SAP for value-adding discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions • Integration with corporate and commercial processes, such as expense management • Detailed API documentation, enabling the development of new solutions • Modular approach, providing flexibility to meet customer-specific requirements when required

Industry Cloud Solution

Reaching for the cloud to enable the rapid expansion of charge point infrastructure Germany-based ChargeX GmbH engages in developing charging hardware and charging services for electric vehicles. The company is committed to meeting the overwhelming demand for convenient charging solutions despite a constrained power grid and a lack of skilled labor. Looking to reshape the inflexible, manual, and time consuming legacy onboarding processes for new charging stations, ChargeX sought another way. The goal was to cut costs for customers by minimizing manual labor in the installation process and ensure a flexible, cost-efficient scaling process for charging infrastructure.

100% Automated onboarding of new chargers

30% Increase in the efficiency of the charge-point operations department

“SAP provides a powerful IT backbone for our core product, an innovative multisocket charging solution for electric vehicles. SAP E-Mobility enables smooth operations with impressive functionality and a strong user experience. The detailed API documentation allows us and our customers to create bespoke solutions.”


• Lack of standardization & automation • Lack of system support & features for sustainability


CEO, ChargeX GmbH - Tobias Wagner

• Reduced Costs • Improved sustainability and innovation • Improved employee productivity and customer experience/ satisfaction

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