Why SAP?
• The management team, including the Vice CEO, had positive experiences with SAP's reliability and performance in other organizations, influencing their decision to choose it again. • GROW with SAP keeps PT. BGPMA's equipped with the latest tech, helping the business stay in competition and ahead of the curve. • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition provided a scalable solution that was quickly implemented and integrated, making it a good fit for PT. BGMPA. • SAP’s cloud ERP offers regular updates and support, giving PT. BGMPA peace of mind that their operations will stay safe and run smoothly without extra hassle for their IT team.
PT.BGPMA Agribusiness | Indonesia
SAP S/4HANA Public cloud
Explore PT. Batu Gunung Mulia Putra Agro’s journey with SAP
PT. Batu Gunung Mulia Putra Agro (PT. BGMPA) operates the first palm oil factory in Indonesia designed as a cooperative in which farmers in the Tanah Laut district in the province of South Kalimantan have minor ownership shares. To deliver the best return to its farmers, PT. BGMPA needed to upgrade its ERP system so it could access more-timely and accurate analytics. In doing so, the company hoped to respond faster to palm oil and palm kernel sales requests.
2%-4% Increase in profit margins
4 months To implement cloud ERP
27-day Reduction in month end reporting time
Challenges • Complex systems and integration. No single source of truth • Lack of collaboration and capability to scale. • Low profitability and higher margin
“We have loyal customers within Indonesia because we prioritize the quality of our products. GROW with SAP helps us bring that same dedication to quality to our systems and operations.”
Vice CEO, PT. Batu Gunung Mulia Putra Agro Adi Priyono
• Improved decision making • Improved finance operations • Increased revenue growth
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