SAP Value Stories

Why SAP?


• Proven reliability of SAP solutions • RISE with SAP S/4HANA® Cloud Private Edition, helping move ERP data and processes to the cloud • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, offering comprehensive support for centralized and standardized business processes • Straightforward integration with the existing SAP software environment • Simpler and more-intuitive user experience

Consumer Products | Brazil RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition

Migrating Speedily to the Cloud with a Holistic, Personalized Experience

99.7% Availability across the data center, server, network, storage, applications, and SAP HANA

18% Reduction in total costs (maintenance, infrastructure, and version upgrades and licenses) expected by 2027 thanks to RISE with SAP

With offerings from flavor enhancers that bring out the umami in food to animal feeds and agricultural fertilizers, Ajinomoto do Brasil Industria e Comércio de Alimentos Ltda. wants to help the world “eat well and live well.” The company uses the power of amino acids to create delicious meals and promote physical health, growth, development, and recovery. Having already implemented a range of SAP® solutions as the foundation for its growth, Ajinomoto wanted to embrace next generation ERP in the cloud to help boost productivity, enable automation, increase agility, and support new business models. The company knew robust transformation services, business analytics, and partner expertise would help it transition its data and processes smoothly to the cloud.


• Lack of standardization & automation • Limited resilience for business processes


• Improved TCO (Total cost of ownership) • Improved decision-making

“In 2022, we started studying the feasibility of moving our SAP solutions to RISE with SAP. We identified some important benefits including increased availability of the IT environment, security, financial savings, and scalability across a larger geographic area.”

CIO, Ajinomoto do Brasil Industria e Comércio de Alimentos Ltda. -Alexandre Telles

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