Elevate October 2022 | Air Serbia


STRAND Svega nekoliko koraka od čuvenog Union skvera, Strand je jedna od najpoznatijih njujorških knjižara, i to sa veoma dobrim razlogom. Kada bi se sva izdanja iz Stranda postavila u kolonu, bila bi duga više desetina ki- lometara. Novo, staro, i sve između je tu! Osim impresivnog kataloga, Strand organizuje izuzetno poseće- ne književne večeri u prostoriji ko- ju nazivaju Rare Books Room . Svo- ja dela su tu predstavljale, između ostalih, Peti Smit, blogerka i glumica Tavi Gevinson i legendarna urednica Voga Grejs Kodington. STRAND Located in the immediate vicini- ty of the famous Union Square, the Strand is one of New York’s most fa- mous bookshops – and for very good reason. If all the Strand’s editions were lined up, they would form a col- umn stretching tens of kilometres. Here you can find new, old and everything in between! Apart from having an impressive inventory, the Strand also organises literary eve- nings in its aptly named Rare Book Room. Among those who’ve pre- sented their works here are the likes of Patti Smith, blogger and actress Tavi Gevinson, and legendary Vogue fashion editor Grace Coddington.


GUCCI WOOSTER BOOKSTORE Tucked away in the side street entrance to Guc- ci’s SoHo boutique, the Gucci Wooster Book- store is an essential stop on the “must visit” list of any true fan of fashion and literature. Decorated in the eclectic style that’s today expected of this famous Florentine fashion house, it will mesmer- ise you with its comfortable sofas of yellow leath- er, dramatic red draperies, lavish rugs and carved wooden tables. This unique shop, with its selec- tion of titles curated by the team of Dashwood Books, was conceived in 2018 as a kind of hom- age to the vibrant tradition of the Lower Manhat- tan art scene.

Ušuškana u ulazu iz sporedne ulice Gučijevog butika u Soho, Gucci Wooster Bookstore je ne- izostavna stavka na spisku „za posete“ sva- kog pravog fana mode i literature. Dekorisana u eklektičnom stilu, kakav se od firentinske kuće danas očekuje, opčiniće vas udobnim sofama od žute kože, dramatično crvenim draperija- ma, raskošnim ćilimima i stočićima od rezbare- nog drveta. Jedinstvena radnja, za čiju selekciju knjiga se pobrinuo tim Dashwood Books , osmi- šljena je 2018. kao svojevrsni omaž živopisnoj tradiciji umetničke scene donjeg Menhetna.

MCNALLY JACKSON Ova nezavisna knjižara nastala je 2004. i skoro dve decenije predstav- lja idealno mesto da predahnete i pre- listate neke naslove nakon intenziv- nog šopinga u Sohou. Na dva nivoa možete pronaći klasične romane i ret- ke naslove, pa gledajte pažljivo. Najbo- lji deo? Lokacija u Princ stritu ima kafić u kom posetioci mogu da uživaju u en- gleskom čaju i svežem pecivu. MCNALLY JACKSON This independent bookshop was found- ed in 2004 and for almost two decades has represented the ideal location to find respite and leaf through some titles after a shopping spree in SoHo. You can find classic novels and rare titles on its two floors, so be sure to look carefully. And the best part? This Prince Street lo- cation has a café where visitors can en- joy English tea and fresh pastries.

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