Darka Minića, kapetana Tri pitanja za...
Three questions for...
Darko Minić, captain
Pilot ste na erbasu . Ima li razlike između A319/320 i A330, našeg najvećeg aviona? – Dolaze od istog proizvođa- ča, koncepcijski su vrlo slični, ra- zlika je jedino u veličini aviona (A330 je dvostruko duži i širi). Kad ste u vazduhu, nema mno- go razlike, ali je vožnja na zemlji zahtevnija zbog veličine, poseb- no na užim manevarskim povr- šinama, kao i zbog značajno ja- čih motora. Da li je zahtevno leteti iznad okeana? – Letenje preko okeana, od- nosno velikih vodenih površina, vrlo je izazovno, pa zahteva po- sebno školovanje i odobrenje. Specifičnost je u tome što su svi potencijalni aerodromi prilično udaljeni, tako da se zahteva de- taljno planiranje kako zemaljskih službi u pripremi i odabiru rute kojom će se leteti, tako i letač- ke posade koja će taj let odradi- ti. U toku zimske sezone, zbog specifične meteorološke situacije nad Atlantikom, moguće su i ja- ke mlazne struje koje mogu pro- uzrokovati turbulenciju, koja mo- že izazvati nelagodu kod putnika, ali ne utiče na bezbednost leta. Kuda biste nas odveli u oktobru? – Moja preporuka za putova- nje u ranu jesen je svakako Nju- jork. Zbog ugodne klime, ali i sve- ga što taj grad, koji, kako kažu, nikada ne spava, ima da pruži. Zato, hajde da ovog oktobra le- timo u Veliku jabuku!
You pilot Airbus aircraft. Is there a difference between the A319/320 and the A330, Air Serbia’s largest plane? “Given that they are created by the same manufacturer, they are very sim- ilar in terms of operational concept and differ only in terms of size (the A330 is twice the length and width). There isn’t much of a difference when you’re actually in the air, but operating it on the ground is more demanding due to the size, particularly on nar- rower manoeuvring surfaces, but al- so due to the significantly more pow- erful engine.” Are transoceanic flights more demanding? “Flying over an ocean, or any large body of water, is challenging, which is why it requires special training and approval. It is specific in that all po- tential airports are pretty far away, so it requires detailed planning, like ground services during preparations and selecting a route to fly, as well as the flight crews that will operate the flight. During the winter season, the specific meteorological situation above the Atlantic makes it possible for strong jet streams to create turbu- lence, which can cause discomfort for passengers, but doesn’t have a nega- tive impact on flight safety.” Where would you take us in October? “My recommendation for travels during early autumn is certainly New York. That’s because of the pleasant climate, but also everything that’s on offer in this city that, as they say, nev- er sleeps. So, let’s fly to the Big Apple this October!”
Moja preporuka za putovanje u ranu jesen je svakako Njujork My recommendation for travels during early autumn is certainly New York
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