Aeroput je poslovao do 1947. godine, kada ga je nasledio JAT, koji je 2003. transformisan u JAT ervejz , dok je novo poglavlje pod imenom Er Srbija započeto 2013. godine
Aeroput operated until 1947, when it was succeeded by JAT, which itself transformed into Jat Airways in 2003, while the new chapter under the Air Serbia name began in 2013
U OVOJ GODINI KADA JE KOMPANIJA OBELEŽILA 95 GODINA TRADICIJE (17. juna), obeležava se i de- veti rođendan Er Srbije (26. oktobra). Te 2013, 24. ok- tobra, jedan od popularnih simbola JAT-a – poslovnica kod Crkve Svetog Marka, svečano je otvorena u novim bojama, pod novim imenom i novim brendom – Er Sr- bija . Dan kasnije, na svečanosti u velikom hangaru JAT Tehnike, Er Srbija je i zvanično predstavljena javnosti, da bi 26. oktobra bio obavljen i prvi promotivni let od Beograda do Abu Dabija. – Ponosni smo što proslavljamo devetu godinu poslovanja pod imenom Er Srbija , kao lider u regionu. Zahvalni smo na poverenju koje su nam putnici ukaza- li tokom prethodnih godina, a nastavićemo da se tru- dimo, unapređujemo na svim poljima i prilagođavamo promenama kako bismo uvek pružili vrhunsku uslugu – kaže Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije . U junu ove godine obeležen je još jedan znača- jan jubilej – 95 godina od osnivanja prve nacionalne avio-kompanije Aeroput , čiju slavnu tradiciju Er Srbija baštini. Prvobitno osnovana pod nazivom Aeroput 17. juna 1927. godine, Er Srbija se nalazi na osmom mestu liste najstarijih avio-kompanija na svetu koje još poslu- ju. Pod sloganom 95 godina letenja za tu priliku dizaj- niran je amblem koji spaja tradiciju i savremeni trenu- tak, odajući počast bogatoj istoriji srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije. Cilj Er Srbije ostaje proširenje mreže destinaci- ja, uvećani kapaciteti na najpopularnijim linijama i još snažnije poslovanje na tržištu drugih zemalja. S tim u vezi je i proširenje flote još jednom letelicom tipa er- bas A330, koje je planirano za oktobar. Novi avion kra- siće lik velikana Mihajla Pupina i pridružiće se trenutno najvećem avionu u floti Er Srbije koji je dobio ime i lik još jednog proslavljenog naučnika – Nikole Tesle. Nje- govo ime ispisano je na erbasu A330 koji leti za Nju- jork, simbolično baš u grad u kom je živeo, stvarao i umro. Od proleća 2023. godine Er Srbija planira i uvo- đenje direktnih letova između Beograda i Čikaga, či- me će se dodatno pojačati saobraćaj prema SAD, ali u međuvremenu će se otvoriti čitav niz novih desti- nacija. Preko matičnog aerodroma u Beogradu i vazduš- nih luka u Nišu i Kraljevu, u mesecu kada slavi deve- ti rođendan, Er Srbija može da se pohvali sa više od 400.000 prevezenih putnika u avgustu, što je najveći broj tokom tog meseca još od 2013. godine, od kada kompanija posluje pod današnjim imenom.
DURING THIS YEAR IN WHICH THE COMPANY HAS COMMEMORATED 95 YEARS OF ITS TRADITION (17 th June), it is also commemorating the ninth birth- day of Air Serbia (26 th October). It was on 24 th Octo- ber 2013 that one of the popular Jat landmarks – the branch office alongside Saint Mark’s Church – formally reopened in new colours and under a new name and brand: Air Serbia. A ceremony held the very next day in the large hangar of company Jat Tehnika officially pre- sented Air Serbia to the public, only for the first pro- motional flight between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi to be performed on 26 th October. “We are proud that we are celebrating the ninth year of operations under the Air Serbia name as a le- ader in the region. We are grateful for the trust placed in us by passengers over the course of previous years and we will continue to work hard, improve on all fronts and adapt to changes, in order for us to always provide a top service,” says Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. June this year marked another significant anniver- sary: 95 years since the founding of the country’s first national airline, Aeroput, the glorious tradition of whi- ch has been inherited by Air Serbia. Originally foun- ded under the name Aeroput on 17 th June 1927, Air Ser- bia today ranks eighth on the list of the world’s oldest airlines that remain operational. Under the slogan “95 years of flying”, a new emblem to mark this occasion was designed to combine tradition and modern times, paying homage to the rich history of the Serbian nati- onal carrier. Air Serbia’s objective remains the expansion of its network of destinations, bolstering capacities on the most popular routes and developing even stronger operations on markets of other countries. It is with a view to this that it is expanding the fleet with the addi- tion of another Airbus A330 aircraft, planned for Octo- ber. The new plane will be adorned with the likeness of the great Mihajlo Pupin and will thus join the largest existing plane in the Air Serbia fleet that was named after another famous scientist: Nikola Tesla. His na- me is inscribed on the Airbus A330 that flies symbo- lically to New York, a city where he lived, created and died. Air Serbia also plans to introduce direct flights between Belgrade and Chicago as of spring 2023, thereby additionally increasing its transoceanic traffic to the United States, while in the meantime it will esta- blish an entire series of new destinations. During the month when it celebrates its ninth birt- hday, Air Serbia can also boast of having transported more than 400,000 passengers in August, through its hub in Belgrade and airports in Niš and Kraljevo, whi- ch represents the highest number for that month sin- ce the airline began operating under its current name in 2013.
Cilj Er Srbije ostaje proši- renje mreže destinacija, uvećani ka- paciteti na najpopular- nijim linijama i još snažni- je poslova- nje na tržištu drugih ze- malja Air Serbia’s objective re- mains the ex- pansion of its network of destina- tions, bolster- ing capac- ities on the most popu- lar routes and developing even strong- er operations on markets of other coun- tries
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15
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