DUNAV OSIGURANJE / DUNAV OSIGURANJE PRIJATELJ ZA SVA VREMENA A FRIEND FOREVER Nastala davne 1974. godine, Kompanija Dunav osiguranje raste i razvija se postojano, moćno i sigurno, baš kao i velika evropska reka čije ime nosi / Established as far back as 1974, under the name “Dunav osiguranje” [Danube Insurance], the company has been growing and developing steadily, mightily and with certainty, just like the great European river whose name it bears
KOMPANIJA DUNAV OSI- GURANJE VEĆ DECENIJAMA JE SINONIM ZA OSIGURAVA- JUĆU DELATNOST na području Republike Srbije i regiona. Nastav- ljajući i negujući tradiciju firmi koje su joj prethodile, Kompani- ja s ponosom ističe direktnu vezu sa samim počecima osiguravaju- će delatnosti na ovim prostorima, još od vremena Kneževine Srbije, kao i to da je uvek izlazila jača i stabilnija. Danas zauzima lidersko mesto na domaćem tržištu osigu- ranja, kao vodeći brend i istinski prijatelj svih svojih osiguranika. Kompanija Dunav osiguranje i njene kćerke firme posluju na po- dručju Srbije, Republike Srpske i Federacije BiH. Deo njenog siste- ma su povezana društva Dunav osiguranje Banjaluka , Dunav re , Dunav penzijski fond , Dunav au- to , Dunav Stockbrocker i Dunav turist , koja obavljaju osigurava- juću i reosiguravajuću delatnost, kao i prateće delatnosti automo- bilske logistike, berzanskog po- slovanja i turizma. Zato čine or- gansku celinu koja zadovoljava sve potrebe klijenata. Sa razgranatom poslovnom mrežom od 29 glavnih filijala osi- guranja i više od 600 prodajnih mesta sa sve značajnijom onlajn prodajom, Dunav osiguranje se na brojne načine trudi da komuni- kaciju s korisnicima svojih uslu- ga dovede do savršenstva i da u zadovoljavanju njihovih potreba deluje proaktivno, uz maksimal- no razumevanje datih okolnosti.
U fokusu Kompanije Dunav osiguranje danas i u bliskoj buduć- nosti su informatička moderni- zacija poslovanja, širenje lepeze osiguravajućih usluga, pogotovo u domenu personalnih osigura- nja, kao i dalji razvoj korpora- tivne društvene odgovornosti, po kojoj je naročito prepoznat- ljiva. Kompanija smatra privile- gijom što ima snagu da pomogne u održavanju mnogobrojnih ma- nifestacija značajnih za zemlju i region, a još većom što je stvorila širok krug prijatelja, koji su nje- no istinsko bogatstvo. DUNAV OSIGURANJE IS A COMPANY THAT’S BEEN SYN- ONYMOUS WITH THE INSUR- ANCE SECTOR on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and the re- gion for decades. By continuing and nurturing the tradition of the com- panies that preceded it, Dunav Osi- guranje is proud to point out its di- rect links with the very beginnings of the insurance sector in this re- gion, dating back to the time of the Principality of Serbia, as well as the fact that it has always emerged stronger and more stable. It today occupies a leading position on the domestic insurance market, as the leading brand and a true friend to all its policyholders. Dunav Osiguranje and its sub- sidiaries operate across the territo- ry of Serbia, Republika Srpska and the Bosnia-Herzegovina Federation. Its system partly includes affiliated
companies Dunav Osiguranje Ban- jaluka, Dunav re, Dunav penzijski fond [pension fund], Dunav Auto [vehicle insurance], Dunav Stock- broker and Dunav Turist, which per- form insurance and reinsurance ac- tivities, but also ancillary activities including vehicle logistics, stock ex- change operations and tourism. They thus form an organic collec- tive that satisfies all the needs of clients. With a branched business net- work comprising 29 main insurance branches and more than 600 points of sale, with increasingly significant online sales – Dunav Osiguranje endeavours, in numerous ways, to achieve perfection in communica- tion with the users of its services, and to take a proactive approach to meeting their needs, with maxi- mum understanding for the circum- stances at hand. Dunav Osiguranje is focused, today and in the near future, on the IT modernisation of its oper- ations, expanding its palette of in- surance services, especially in the field of personal insurance, as well as further developing its corporate social responsibility, for which it is particularly recognisable. The com- pany considers itself privileged to have the strength to be able to help in the staging of numerous events that are important for the country and the region, and an even greater privilege that it has created a wide circle of friends, who represent its true wealth.
Kao potvrda kvaliteta nižu se brojna priznanja i nagrade, među kojima su najdraže Moj izbor i Miljenik potrošača , koje je Kompanija dobila nekoliko puta zaredom upravo glasovima potrošača Numerous acknowledgements and awards have come as confirmation of quality, the most precious of which for the company are the ‘My Choice’ and ‘Consumer Favourite’ awards, which Dunav Osiguranje won several times consecutively, thanks specifically to the votes of consumers
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