- I tried to think of the most possible scenarios in which a mod- ern, busy person would find them- selves if they wanted to organise a dinner or make something really memorable. Roasts with vegetables are great for preparing a day in ad- vance, ready to simply pop in the oven in record time. Many season- al vegetables are currently availa- ble, so you can even make a great meal without meat. It seems as though time- ly preparation is the key to success? - For working parents, crispy chicken with pesto sauce and garlic bread is an ideal solution. It seems slightly demanding, but it’s great if you do the prep work the day be- fore. In principle, the magic of the kitchen is in the conceiving. It is suf- ficient to set aside just five min- utes a day to consider what you’ll offer your family on tomorrow’s table in order to already be a step ahead in the race against time. This is the most common mistake people make, because they only start think- ing about food a moment before they start making a meal. Hence the stress and lack of creativity. What makes a meal mem- orable? - What’s on the table isn’t im- portant at all. Food has an incredi- ble power to bring people together. When you’re with people you love and are able to relax and enjoy each other's company, to see how they react to a meal and to laugh togeth- er, that’s what makes life worth- while. I hope the new show will also serve as an excuse for view- ers to bring their loved ones to- gether around the table to create new shared memories. Food can be the perfect excuse for people to come together. What’s your advice for working mothers who per- haps don’t have enough time for cooking? - For parents, chicken with po- tatoes, or fried drumsticks with wings, is the easiest and most pop- ular solution, but they are mistak- en. You can experiment a lot with
Strastveno verujem da je kuvanje jedna od najvrednijih i najlepših veština kojima možete naučiti dete I passionately believe that cooking is one of the most valuable and beautiful skills you can teach a child
chicken and achieve so many dif- ferent flavours. Of course, it’s the oven that does all the hard work, which makes it somewhat under- standable that it’s the most popular choice for busy mothers. For me, for instance, Italian cuisine is an eternal source of inspiration. Let’s fry or boil the chicken for a change, and use it with a thousand excel- lent pesto sauces that you can find in any exotic pasta supermarket. It isn’t always necessary to combine chicken, potatoes, oil and the oven. Preparation takes just as long, and the taste is different every time. You’ve spent many years promoting healthy nutri- tion in schools. Did the pandemic influence us to change our eating habits? - Those were unbelievably diffi- cult years, but one thing this situ- ation showed us was just how im- portant nutrition in schools is, as a basic source of food that gener-
ations who are just growing up de- pend on. I was very glad to hear California’s decision to provide free school meals to more than six mil- lion schoolkids. That’s serious for- ward thinking, an important step, but what comprises that diet is al- so important. I really believe that good food can galvanise our recov- ery, both economically and academ- ically, to encourage success for the next generation. What’s your children’s fa- vourite meal? - That always depends and changes day to day. They are actu- ally great foodies and really enjoy food. On weekends, when we’re all together, we like to have fun while we bake bread and make homemade pasta together. What culinary message do you want to convey to peo- ple? - Be careful what you eat and
avoid processed junk food.
Cuisine » Kuhinja | 35
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