Elevate October 2022 | Air Serbia


Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade is a superior, four-star hotel with a striking, futuristic exterior look that also enchants with its warm atmosphere and top service and fittings

THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS MODERN DESIGN PRO- JECT BELONGS to world-re- nowned architect Boris Podrec- ca, and to find out what’s special about Falkensteiner Hotel Bel- grade we asked its General Man- ager, Marko Ilić. “It is precisely the specific de- sign, pleasant and smiling staff, 170-room capacity, unusual am- bience and finely tailored service that distinguishes Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade and ensures that we’ve held a special place on the map of Belgrade hotels for years. A large number of guests that re- turn regularly is the main indica- tor that we have a successful busi- ness strategy.” What gives you the great- est sense of pride, and what is it that’s marked the past decade? “I must point out that the dis- tinctiveness of our hotel lies pri- marily in the people who work here, i.e., in the actual team and the atmosphere that a good team brings. We very often receive com- ments from guests who say that they feel our relaxed and positive atmosphere, and that’s something you can only achieve if you have a good and satisfied team of people. That’s something that is construct- ed, and which requires both time and will to build. That has prov- en crucial in this challenging time that sees us confronted by a seri- ous labour market crisis.” After 10 successful years, what are your further plans? “Falkensteiner Hotels & Res- idences is a regional chain com- posed of more than 30 hotels in

seven countries. We exert effort constantly to ensure that we’re al- ways in step with the times and the latest technologies. We are plan- ning a major renovation for the next year, with which we’ll rein- vigorate and modernise the rooms, which are the essence of any ho- tel, but also the conference area and the complete restaurant, bar and garden, which will bring a new experience for both the guests of the hotel and the residents of Bel- grade. We bring the aromas and fla- vours of faraway places to Belgrade, and we really believe that we’ll stir great interest among the local pop- ulation. Following the completion of the renovation works, we will commemorate the previous peri- od with a pleasant celebration and thus express our gratitude to all guests and partners for our suc- cessful cooperation to date.” Now that you’ve men- tioned celebrations, it is worth noting that you’re renowned far and wide for staging the best corporate parties in Belgrade. What does Falkensteiner offer in this respect? “When you say ‘Falkenstein- er Hotel Belgrade’ you know that everything will unfold exactly as you’ve imagined! Our team’s atten- tion is focused fully on the client’s wishes, which are approached indi- vidually, thus creating a complete- ly original concept. Those want- ing proven quality and excellent food and service know that they will really get that with us, and it is this that is recognised in busi- ness circles. You can also find our entire offer on the hotel’s website: falkensteiner.com/hotel-belgrade.”

Marko Ilić, direktor hotela Falkensteiner Hotel Beograd Marko Ilić, General Manager of Falkensteiner Hotel Belgrade

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