BEREAL DOESN’T BEAUTIFY REALITY Without filters and fake lustre This app attempts to humanise the social media experience and encourage us to be realistic, because there really are no perfectly photoshopped lives. At least not in reality...
BeReal je nov i jedinstven način da otkrijete ko su vaši prijatelji zaista u svakodnevnom životu BeReal is a new and unique way to find out who your friends really are in their everyday life lored and staged moments. Once you share a photo on Be- Real, your followers are given the option to react, but not through liking. This is perhaps also the most fun aspect of BeReal, be- cause reactions are made by way of photographs – you basically re- act to a post with your face. So, are you brave enough to actually show people how real instants in your life look?
THE BEREAL APP WAS LAUNCHED BY FRENCH DE- VELOPER Alexis Barreyat in Janu- ary 2020, but only started becom- ing popular early this year, when young people started tweeting and tiktokking about it. This app has knocked users off their feet with its simplicity and originality, but above all with its anti-Instagram character. Its essence is already sug- gested in the name itself: BeReal. But what does that actually mean? The app encourages people to “be real” by inviting them to share realistic, honest images. Every day at a random time (which varies from day to day), the app sends a push notification to all its users simultaneously. At that instant, you have a two-minute window to shoot a photo, meaning that there’s no time for smoothing, filtering, editing and photoshop- da shvatate da niste jedina osoba na kugli zemaljskoj koja ne izgle- da i ne oseća se neverovatno dobro 24/7. Možda zvuči kao nešto što je i više nego očigledno, ali je u pitanju ono na šta najčešće zaboravljamo upravo zbog zabluda nametnutih objavljivanjem pomno odabranih, uređenih i insceniranih trenutaka. Jednom kada na BeRealu po- delite fotografiju, vaši sledbenici dobijaju mogućnost reakcije, ali ne kroz lajkovanje. To je možda i najzabavniji aspekt BeReala , jer dolazi do foto-reakcije, odnosno, svojim licem reagujete na objavu. Dakle, jeste li dovoljno hrabri da zaista pokažete kako realno izgle- da vaš život?
ping, because this app is actually striving to counter the social me- dia obsession with perfectionism. The format is similar to Snapchat, with the important distinction be- ing that there’s no editing and fix- ing images (the app warns other users if you do make such chang- es). Interestingly, it uses photos taken simultaneously with front and back cameras, which is a new and unique way to present your current situation in everyday life, without any kind of tech trickery. The best part is that you'll start to realise that you aren’t the only person on the planet who doesn't look and feel unbelievably amazing 24/7. That might sound like something that’s glaringly ob- vious, but that’s a fact we most of- ten forget precisely because of the misconceptions imposed by the posting of carefully selected, tai-
Ovde nema mesta za sve one našminkane i izmontirane prikaze stvarnosti kakve smo navikli da gledamo na Instagramu There’s no room here for all those trimmed and tailored depictions of reality that we’ve grown accustomed to seeing on Instagram
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