Priroda, mistika i gurmanluci / Nature, mysticism and gourmets FOOD HRANA
The region of Eastern Serbia has always held a soupçon of mystery and mysticism. It was more than 9,000 years ago, on the banks of the Danube, in the country’s eastern extremes, that prehistoric people created one of Europe’s oldest cultures: the cultu- re of Lepenski Vir. Much has changed in the meantime, but the harmony between the li- ves of local people and nature has remai- ned intact. This region’s rural households are extremely diverse. Some are located on the very banks of the Danube and represent a true paradi- se for fishermen and fish lovers. Some are located in the foothills of mountains and provide opportunities to hike, ski, mountai- neer and conquer challenging peaks. Certa- in such households are located in the vicini- ty of medicinal spas and important historical sights. But all of them provide the possibility to spend time in the authentic atmosphere of a Serbian village, which leaves you feeling reborn and ready to take on new challenges. Eastern Serbia is outstanding thanks to its natural beauty, ecologically preserved landscapes and ethnic diversity. This regi- on, which is known for its fertile and heal- thy soil, clear rivers that are rich in trout and other species of fish, and hunting grounds stocked with large and small game, is very strongly represented when it comes to viti- culture, hunting and fishing. Alongside the- ir widely renowned wines, local hosts will tre- at you to a special gourmet experience. The eating is good, plentiful and tasty all arou- nd these parts. In the Zaječar suburb of Gr- ljan, sample the dolmades-style vine leaf sarmica and ljutenica spicy pepper chut- ney, while you’re in Negotin you should be sure to try Vlach Plăcintă pastries and veni- son with prunes, and in Kučevo be sure to try the kačamak, which is made from white flo- ur and eaten instead of bread... Of course, you should accompany each of these phe- nomenal dishes with an autochthonous wi- ne variety.
Predeo istočne Srbije uvek je donosio dozu tajnovitosti i mistike. Na obalama Dunava, na krajnjem istoku zemlje, pre više od 9.000 godina praistorijski lju - di stvorili su jednu od najstarijih kultura u Evropi – kulturu Lepenskog vira. Od tada do danas mnogo toga se promenilo, ali je harmonija života lokalnog stanovniš- tva i prirode ostala nenarušena. Seoska domaćinstva ovog kraja izuzet- no su raznovrsna. Neka se nalaze na sa- moj obali Dunava i pravi su raj za peca- roše i ljubitelje ribe. Neka se nalaze na obroncima planina i pružaju priliku za pe- šačenje, skijanje, planinarenje i osvaja- nje izazovnih visokih vrhova. Pojedina se nalaze u blizini banja i istorijskih zname- nitosti. Ali sva pružaju mogućnost bo- ravka u autentičnoj atmosferi srpskog sela, koja čini da se osećate preporođe- no i spremno za nove izazove. Istočna Srbija ističe se svojim prirodnim lepotama, ekološki očuvanim predelima i etničkom raznovrsnošću. U ovom kra- ju, poznatom po plodnoj i zdravoj zem- lji, bistrim rekama bogatim pastrmkom i drugom ribom, lovištima punim krupne i sitne divljači, veoma su zastupljeni vi- nogradarstvo, lov i ribolov. Uz nadale- ko čuvena vina, domaćini će vam priu-
štiti poseban gurmanski doživljaj. Svuda se jede dobro, mnogo i ukusno. U Grlja- nu kod Zaječara probajte sarmice od vi- nove loze i ljutenicu, a u Negotinu vlaš- ku plačintu i srnetinu sa suvim šljivama, u Kučevu kačamak koji se jede umesto hleba, a pravi od belog brašna... Narav- no, uz svako ovo fenomenalno jelo oba- vezno probajte jednu od autohtonih sor- ti vina.
Na mestu gde je Dunav najdublji nalazi se Nacionalni park Đerdap s gran- dioznom klisurom, jednom od najdužih u Evropi / The Đerdap National Park is situated in the spot where the Danube is at its deepest, alongside the gran- diose Iron Gates gorge that's among the longest in Europe
74 | Ukusi Srbije » Tastes of Serbia
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