Vekovima su biblioteke bile sveta mesta na kojima je sakljupano i čuvano znanje, a zbog svoje važnosti često su smeštane u prelepa zdanja, pa predstavljaju vredno kulturno blago i turističke atrakcije
Libraries were for centuries sacred places that collected and preserved knowledge, and their importance meant that they were often housed in stunningly beautiful buildings, which is why they represent both valuable treasures of culture and tourist attractions
Eskorijal, Madrid Biblioteka Eskorijal je neizostavna destinacija za sve koji putuju u Madrid. U ovoj renesansnoj bibli- oteci, koju je osnovao kralj Filip Drugi, vrhunac je glavna sala sa velikim svodom oslikanim freskama. Biblioteka poseduje važne zbirke knjiga, bakropisa,
crteža, kovanog novca… EL ESCORIAL, MADRID
The Library of the Monastery of El Escorial is a must for anyone travelling to Madrid. In this Renaissance library that was founded by King Philip II, the high- light is its Main Hall with a large vaulted ceiling dec- orated with magnificent frescoes. The library holds important collections of books, etchings, drawings, coins etc.
NEVEROVATNE BIBLIOTEKE EVROPE THE AMAZING LIBRARIES OF EUROPE Hramovi istorije, lepote i književnosti Temples of history, beauty and literature U digitalno vreme i uprkos njemu dobre, stare knjige specifičnog mirisa i dalje žive i opstaju u prelepim enterijerima istorijskih zdanja / In the digital age and despite it, good old books with a specific scent continue to live and endure in the beautiful interiors of historical buildings
Francuska nacionalna biblioteka, Pariz
Sastoji se od nekoliko pojedinačnih kompleksa koji doprinose bogatstvu celine, a vrhunac je bi- blioteka Fransoa Miteran , koju je izgradio Dominik Pero 1989. nakon međunarodnog konkursa. Po- kušavajuci da otelotvori snagu modernizacije, ova biblioteka apostrofira dinamiku i vrednost učenja. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF FRANCE, PARIS The Bibliothèque Nationale de France is com- posed of a handful of individual complexes that combine to give it its beauty. One particular high- light is the François-Mitterand Library, which was built according to a design of architect Dominiq- ue Perrault in 1989, following an international com- petition. Attempting to embody the very force of modernisation, the library proclaims the dyna- mism of learning.
BIBLIOTEKE IMAJU PO- SEBAN ŠARM I NUDE SPO- KOJ I ZNANJE . Mogu bi- ti istorijska utočišta, ponosni relikti prošlosti ili elegantna modernistička zdanja sa arhi- tektonskim detaljima koji za- divljuju. Možda su to mesta koja nikada niste pomislili da posetite, ali najbolje bibliote- ke u velikim evropskim grado- vima zapravo imaju mnogo toga da ponude. Zato krenite sa na- ma u otkrivanje najlepših bibli- oteka Evrope.
LIBRARIES HOLD A SPECIAL CHARM AND PROVIDE SEREN- ITY AND KNOWLEDGE . They can be historical havens, standing as proud relics of the past or sleek modernist sculptures with delight- ful architectural details. They might be places you never thought of vis- iting, but the best libraries of major European cities actually have a lot to offer. Some of them have witnessed important historical events, while others are famous for their contem- porary architecture, so let’s discov- er Europe’s best libraries.
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