Biblioteka Marsijana, Venecija Jedna od najvecih i najprestižnijih biblioteka u Itali- ji nalazi se u Veneciji. Tu su obavezne plafonske fre- ske i slike, od kojih su neke oslikali klasični venecijanski umetnici Ticijan i Tintoreto. U biblioteku ulazite hoda- juci dramatičnim mermernim stepeništem osvetlje- nim zlatnim ukrasima iznad ulaza u jednu od najlepših zgrada u Veneciji. Danas biblioteka Marsijana sadr- ži jednu od najvažnijih kolekcija grčkih, latinskih i azij- skih rukopisa u svetu, a nalazi se pored Trga Svetog Marka. BIBLIOTECA MARCIANA, VENICE One of the largest and most prestigious libraries in Italy is located in Venice. The obligatory ceiling frescoes and paintings are present, some of which were painted by classical Venetian artists Titian and Tintoretto. Visitors enter the library by walking up a dramatic marble stair- case lit by golden decorations above – an appropriate entrance to one of Venice’s finest buildings. The Marci- ana Library is located off Saint Mark’s Square and con- tains one of the world’s most important collections of Greek, Latin and Asian manuscripts.
Biblioteka Kodrington Oksford Duboko u Oksfordu naici cete na prelepe tamnozelene police i visoke mermerne statue. Ova divna moderna kolekcija obu- hvata više od 185.000 knjiga, od kojih je trecina objavljena pre 1800. godine! ALL SOULS COLLEGE LIBRARY: OXFORD Deep in the city of Oxford stands All Souls College and its epon- ymous Library, formerly known as the Codrington Library, with its beautiful dark green shelves and towering marble statues. Its wonderful collection encompasses more than 185,000 titles, a third of which were published prior to the 1800s!
Austrijska nacionalna biblioteka, Beč Austrijska nacionalna biblioteka sme- štena je u palati Hofburg, koja je bi- la istorijsko sedište moci porodice Ha- bzburg. Uređena u eksploziji baroknih boja, biblioteka je bogata dekoraci- jom, sa metrima visokim policama i raskošnim ukrasima. AUSTRIAN NATIONAL LIBRARY, VIENNA The Austrian National Library is located in Hofburg Palace, the historical seat of power of the Habsburg dynasty. Dec- orated in an explosion of Baroque col- our, the library is richly decorated, boasting bookshelves several metres tall and luxurious ornaments.
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