Antico Caffe Greco, Rim Ugostiteljska institucija sa tradicijom od 1760. godine, An - tico Caffe Greco ponosno nosi epitet najstarijeg rimskog kafea – tokom svoje burne istorije ugostio je velikane poput Bajrona, Henrika Ibzena, Hansa Kristijana Andersena i Džona Kitsa, koji je živeo nadomak Via dei Condotti i skoro svakod- nevno bio viđan za jednim od mermernih stolova ovog loka- la. Ujutru naručite kapućino i popijte ga za šankom kao što to čine stanovnici Večnog grada, pa se zaputite u šetnju ka Španskom trgu, koji je sasvim blizu. ANTICO CAFFÈ GRECO, ROME An institution of hospitality with a tradition that dates back to 1760, the Antico Caffè Greco is proud to carry the epithet of Rome’s oldest café – which throughout its turbulent history has welcomed greats like Lord Byron, Henrik Ibsen, Hans Christian Andersen and John Keats, who resided just off the Via dei Con- dotti and could be seen sitting at one of its marble tables al- most every day. If you visit in the morning, do what the local residents of the eternal city do: order a cappuccino and drink it at the bar, then go for a walk to the nearby Piazza di Spagna.
CAFÉ MONTMARTRE, PRAGUE This intellectual hub for German and Czech writers was vis- ited by Max Brod and his close friend Franz Kafka, all the way until it closed down on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. The doors of the Café Montmartre remained closed until the middle of the 1990s, when it was restored by a new gen- eration with full respect for its original atmosphere. This ven- ue is today intended for locals much more than tourists, so be sure bring some change in the local currency and prac- tise a few Czech phrases to help you order. Cafe Montmartre, Prag Intelektualni hab za nemačke i češke pisce posećivali su Maks Brod i njegov bliski prijatelj Franc Kafka, sve do zatva- ranja pred sam početak Drugog svetskog rata. Montmartre je ostao zatvoren sve do sredine devedesetih, kada ga je no- va generacija obnovila sa punim poštovanjem za autentičnu atmosferu. Danas je ovo mesto mnogo više namenjeno lokal- cima nego turistima, zato ponesite sitne apoene i uvežbajte nekoliko čeških fraza za naručivanje.
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