OUR HABITS OFTEN CHANGE DURING OUR TRAVELS, DUE to a lack of time or the excitement of visiting interesting destinations. That’s why compa- ny Huawei is providing us with devices that will ease and, primarily, beautify your stay wherever you hap- pen to travel. HUAWEI WATCH GT 3 PRO is a watch that will provide you with insight into all your daily activities, whether you find yourself in a new city or a seaside des- tination. It is waterproof and thus the ideal compan- ion if you love swimming or diving, which its sports functions can also monitor. Number of steps taken, heart rate, stress level throughout the day, sleep time or even the amount of water you’ve drunk – all these are things that we can potentially forget about during our travels, and this watch will calcu- late them effortlessly and inform you accord- ingly. An ideal companion for all daily activi- ties, its elegant appearance means that you’ll also be able to wear it to elegant dinners or drinks with friends. The right earbuds to complement every ex- perience are the HUAWEI FREEBUDS PRO 2. Crystal-clear sound quality and noise cancella- tion enable you to enjoy your favourite tunes while strolling the green parks of European cit- ies or baking Mediterranean beaches. They are water resistant, so you can easily wear them while training, and the powerful settings contribute to an inimitable sound quality, while making you feel like you’re actually attending a concert.
Dugotraj- na baterija i mogućnost povezivanja sa vašim pa- metnim sa- tom ili tele- fonom su tu da isprate svaku vašu zamisao
TOKOM PUTOVANJA NAM SE ČESTO MENJA- JU NAVIKE ZBOG nedostatka vremena ili uzbuđeno- sti zbog posete zanimljivim destinacijama. Iz kompani- je Huawei nam dolaze uređaji koji će vam olakšati i, pre svega, ulepšati boravak kud god da otputujete. HUAWEI WATCH GT 3 PRO je sat uz
koji ćete imati uvid u sve vaše aktivnosti tokom dana, bilo da se nalazite u nekom novom gradu ili na morskoj destinaciji. Vo- dootporan je i samim tim idealan saput- nik ako ste ljubitelj plivanja ili ronjenja, što takođe može biti propraćeno putem njegovih sportskih funkcija. Broj koraka, puls, nivo stresa tokom dana, vreme spa- vanja ili čak količina vode koju ste popili – sve su to stvari na koje potencijalno može- mo zaboraviti tokom putovanja, a ovaj sat će bez problema izmeriti i obavestiti vas.
A long-life bat- tery and the possibility of connecting to your smart watch or phone are available to serve your every idea
Idealan je pratilac tokom svih dnevnih aktivnosti, a zbog njegovog elegantnog izgleda moći ćete da ga ponesete i na elegantnu večeru ili piće s prijateljima. Slušalice koje će upotpuniti svaki doživljaj su HUAWEI FREEBUDS PRO 2. Kristalno jasan zvuk i poništavanje buke će vam omogućiti da uživate u omiljenoj muzici tokom šetnje zelenim parkovima evropskih gradova ili vrelim mediteranskim plaža- ma. Otporne su na vodu, tako da ih lako možete po- neti i na trening, a moćna podešavanja doprinose neponovljivom kvalitetu zvuka i tome da se oseća- te kao na koncertu.
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