Elevate August 2022 | Air Serbia


BIR FEST (18–21. avgust, Srbija) Tradicionalna gradska manifestacija i jedan od omiljenih festivala u regionu, Belgrade Beer Fest, ove godine će u novom formatu i sa brojnim inovacija- ma biti održan od 18. do 21. avgusta na Ušću. Devetnaesto izdanje Beer Festa obeležiće jubilej – 300 godina pivar- stva u Srbiji, dok će tokom četiri dana festivala na četiri bine ugostiti više od 50 izvođača, među kojima su austra- lijska zvezda Tomi Emanuel, britanski miljenici domaće publike Košin, legen- darni Bajaga i Instruktori , Hladno pivo , muzička senzacija Konstrakta, regi- onalne zvezde Masimo Savić, Psiho - modo pop , Love Hunters , E-play , DLM i brojni drugi. Beogradski festival piva je tokom svog postojanja postao jedan od prepo- znatljivih simbola prestonice i jedan od najmasovnijih događaja ove vrste na svetu. Predstavlja praznik muzike i pivske kulture ne samo za Beograđa- ne nego i za brojne turiste koji se od- luče za posetu prestonici tokom nje- govog trajanja. Publiku u Cloud zoni očekuje vrlo atraktivan program, iz- među ostalog, susreti motociklista sa čuvenim „zidom smrti“, a tu je i Silent Disco bina, selfi muzej sa velikim bro- jem atraktivnih selfi pozicija, luna park sa brojnim atraktivnim vožnjama na jednom mestu i mnogi drugi sadržaji. Očekuje se da veliki hit na Beer Festu budu i panoramski baloni sa korpom, za nezaboravnu vožnju i spektakularan pogled na Beograd. Ove godine na fe- stivalu biće proslavljeno 300 godina pivarstva u Srbiji, te će na festivalu biti prisutno 300 različitih etiketa piva.

course of the four days of the festival, including Australian star Tommy Em- manuel, British favourites of the Serbi- an audience Kosheen, legendary local rock band Bajaga and the Instructors, Croatian rock band Hladno pivo, musi- cal sensation Konstrakta, regional stars Massimo Savić, Psihomodo Pop, Love Hunters , E-play, DLM and many others. The Belgrade Beer Festival has devel- oped over the course of its existence to become one of the most recognis- able symbols of the capital and one of the world’s biggest mass events of its kind. It represents a festival of music and the culture of beer drinking not on- ly for Belgraders, but also for the nu- merous tourists who decide to visit the Serbian capital during the festival pe-

riod. The audience in the “Cloud” zone are awaited by a very attractive pro- gramme that includes, among oth- er things, encounters between mo- torcyclists and the famous “wall of death”, while there is also the Silent Disco stage, a selfie museum with a large number of attractive positions for shooting selfies, an amusement park with numerous attractive rides in one place, as well as many other contents. An expected big hit at Beer Fest are panoramic balloons with baskets that will provide an unforgettable ride and spectacular views over Belgrade. To commemorate 300 years of the beer brewing industry in Serbia, 300 differ- ent beer labels will be present at this year’s festival.

Festival će na četiri bine predstaviti više od 50 izvođača, ali i 300 različitih etiketa piva More than 50 performers on four stages and 300 different beer labels will be present at this year’s festival


One of the city’s traditional events and one of the region’s favourite festivals, the Belgrade Beer Fest will take place on the Ušće confluence again from 18 th to 21 st August, though this time in a new format and with numerous innova- tions. This year’s 19 th edition of the Beer Fest, which will mark the jubilee 300th anniversary of the brewing industry in Serbia, will welcome more than 50 performers on four stages over the

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