Elevate August 2022 | Air Serbia



ČEKAJUĆI HIT-SERIJE / AWAITING HIT SERIES Šta je bilo pre Kralja i pada Zida What came before the King and the fall of the Wall? Niko nema takve fanove kao Tolkin, a nisu zanemarljivi ni oni koji obožavaju Naslednike , Krunu i Igru prestola ... Za sve njih stižu serije od kojih e nam neke nastaviti priču, a neke objasniti šta je bilo pre / No one has fans like Tolkien’s, and those who adore Succession, The Crown and Game of Thrones aren’t insignificant either... And there are new shows on the way for all of them, some of which will represent the continuation of the story, while others will shed light on what came before

FILMSKA INDUSTRIJA SE U VELIKOJ MERI OPORAVI- LA OD posledica pandemije ko- vida, ali se neočekivano pojavio novi problem. Preostali nezavr- šeni projekti koji su se sa preki- dima snimali u protekle dve go- dine su se nagomilali te studiji u postprodukciji nisu uspeli da se izbore sa količinom posla, što je dovelo do pomeranja premijera mnogih filmova za 2023. Avgust je prvi put u poslednjih dvade- setak godina poprilično prazan kada su u pitanju blokbasteri, sa izuzetkom novog filma Breda Pi- ta Brzina metka . Publika u Srbiji će najzad imati priliku da pogle- da norveško remek-delo Najgo- ra osoba na svetu Hoakima Trira, koji je ove godine bio nominovan za dva Oskara – za najbolji film van američkog govornog područ- ja i najbolji originalni scenario. Međutim, koliko je filmska godina bila slaba po pitanju kvali- tetnih sadržaja, sa nekoliko izuze- taka, serijski program je bio vrlo raznovrstan i kvalitetan. Popu- larna i od strane kritike nagra- đivana serija Naslednici je zabe- ležila rekordnih 25 nominacija za nagradu Emi , dok se najnovi- ja, četvrta sezona očekuje izme- đu oktobra i decembra ove go- dine. Osim Naslednika, publika sa nestrpljenjem očekuje pretpo- slednju, petu sezonu Netfliksove hit-serije Kruna , koja izlazi u no- vembru. Ali da krenemo redom i osvrnemo se na serije koje naj- više iščekujemo u periodu koji je pred nama...

THE FILM INDUSTRY HAS RECOVERED FROM THE NEGA- TIVE impact of the Covid-19 pan- demic to a large extent, but a new problem has unexpectedly emerged. The remaining unfinished projects shot intermittently over the past two years have accumulated and studios have been unable to cope with the post-production workload, which has led to many films being pushed back to 2023. This August has thus been left pretty devoid of blockbusters for the first time in the last 20-odd years, with the exception of the new Brad Pitt film Bullet Train. Serbian audi- ences will also finally get the chance to check out Norwegian masterpiece The Worst Person in the World, which was directed by Joachim Trier and has been nominated for two 2022 Os- cars: best international feature film and best original screenplay. Still, no matter how weak the film year has been in terms of content quality, with a few notable exceptions, it has been a very diverse and high-quality year when it comes to the production of TV shows. Popular and critically ac- claimed series Succession – the fourth season of which is expected to hit screens between October and Decem- ber this year – has to date received a record-breaking 25 Emmy nomina- tions. Apart from Succession, audi- ences are also eagerly awaiting the arrival of the penultimate, fifth sea- son of hit Netflix series The Crown, which is set for release in Novem- ber. However, let’s take it one step at a time and take a look at the up- coming shows that we’re most look- ing forward to watching...

Tekst/Words: Viktor Vilotijević Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia

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