1. Naslednici , 4. sezona (HBO) – jesen/zima 2022. Ako je neka serija objedinila fanove raznih žanrova i iz sezone u sezonu beležila veću gledanost i sve više na- grada, onda je to HBO remek-delo Naslednici . Nova, četvrta, sezona, na čelu sa Brajanom Koksom, Nikola- som Braunom i Kiranom Kalkinom očekuje se negde u periodu između oktobra i decembra. 1. SUCCESSION, SEASON FOUR (HBO) AUTUMN/WINTER 2022 If there’s any series that’s united fans of various genres, recorded increasing viewer figures and received ev- er-more awards season after season, then that would be the HBO masterpiece Succession. The new, fourth season – led by stars Brian Cox, Nicholas Braun and Ki- eran Culkin – is expected to hit screens sometime be- tween October and December.
Četvrta sezona Naslednika očekuje se između oktobra i decembra, dok peta sezona hit-serije Kruna izlazi u novembru The fourth season of Succession is expected to hit screens between October and December, while the fifth season of hit series The Crown will be released in November
2. Kruna , 5. sezona ( Netfliks ) - novembar 2022.
Nakon svake dve sezone glumačka ekipa Krune se menja, pa će se u ulozi kraljice Elizabete u poslednje dve sezone na- ći Imelda Stonton. Džonatan Prajs tumači lik princa Filipa, Le- sli Menvil princezu Margaret, Dominik Vest princa Čarlsa i Elizabet Debiki ledi Dajanu. Pretposlednja sezona će se foku- sirati na početak devedesetih, ali i stradanje Ledi Di. Netfliks bi uskoro trebalo da pusti trejler, a premijera se očekuje u no- vembru. 2. THE CROWN, SEASON FIVE (NETFLIX) NOVEMBER 2022 The cast of The Crown changes every two seasons, and for the final two seasons Imelda Staunton will portray Queen Elizabeth II, while Jonathan Pryce plays Prince Philip, Lesley Manville plays Princess Margaret, Dominic West interprets Prince Charles and Elizabeth Debicki appears as Princess Diana. The penultimate season will focus on the period of the early 1990s, but also the tragic demise of Lady Di. Netflix is set to release a trailer soon, while the season premiere is expected to air in November.
Series » Serije | 53
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