Nothing Phone Tržište pametnih telefona je bojno polje megalomanskih vizija i gramzive margine profita – sve dok se tu nije pojavio koncept toliko svež, da je više umetnički proje- kat nego mamipara poslednje generacije. Počevši od imena Nothing Phone i ne- konvencionalne inspiracije autorima kao što je Masimo Vinjeli, koji je dizajnirao mape podzemne železnice u Njujorku, pa do domišljate implementacije reciklira- nih materijala, Nothing je nimalo nalik na ono što u paketima nudi svaki operater
mobilne telefonije. NOTHING PHONE
The smartphone market has been a battleground of megalomaniacal visions and rapacious profit margins – at least it was until the appearance of a concept that’s so fresh that it’s more of an art project than the latest generation of devices designed to separate you from your money. Starting from the very name, Nothing Phone, to the unconventional inspiration of authors like Massimo Vignelli, who designed maps for the New York subway, to the ingenious implementation of recycled materials, Nothing is far from anything else being offered by mobile operators in their pack- ages.
Bang&Olufsen Beoplay Portal Stvar je jasna – gejming kultura je multimilionski biznis i veli- ki igrači (da se baš tako izrazimo) na tržištu tehnologije utr- kuju se ko će sledeći lansirati najpoželjniji aksesoar za sate provedene za konzolom. Beoplay Portal , vrhunski dodatak danskih audio-entuzijasta sa bogatom tradicijom, sada do- lazi u unapređenoj verziji, koja ima izdržljiviju bateriju i mo- ćan izgled u tri boje: antracit, matsivoj i teget. BANG&OLUFSEN BEOPLAY PORTAL The situation is clear: gaming culture is a multi- million-dollar business and the technology market’s big players (to dub them as such) are competing to see who will launch the next most desirable ac- cessory for spending hours at the gaming console. The Beoplay Portal gaming headset, the top acce- ssory from these Danish audio enthusiasts with a ri- ch tradition, now comes in an upgraded version with an extended battery life and a powerful look in three colours: black anthracite, grey mist and navy blue.
Samsung x Starbucks Galaxy SS22 U misiji da Galaxy serija postane glavni takmac iPhone fami, Samsung sva- ko malo iznalazi kreativne načine da se promoviše kao generator neodolji- vog dizajna i „out of the box“ rešenja. Ipak, čini se da su se ovom mini-seri- jom nastalom u saradnji sa Starbucksom , definitivno najpoznatijom kafom „za poneti“ na svetu, vinuli u domen artefakta pop-kulture. Kolekcija dolazi pod sloganom Prebrojte zvezde u svojoj galaksiji i premda primarno name- njena tržištu Južne Koreje, ni sekund ne sumnjamo da će je EBay učiniti glo- balnim fenomenom. SAMSUNG X STARBUCKS GALAXY SS22 On its mission to make the Galaxy series the top competitor in the iPhone family, Samsung continuously comes up with creative ways to promote itself as a creator of irresistible designs and “out of the box” solutions. However, it seems to have soared into the domain of pop culture artefacts with this latest miniseries created in collaboration with Starbucks, undoubtedly the world’s most famous takeaway coffeehouse. The collection, which is accompanied by the tagline “Count the stars in your Galaxy”, is primarily intended for the South Korean market, but we have no doubt whatsoever that eBay will turn it into a global phenomenon.
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