Devil’s Town In Southern Serbia, at the heart of Radan mountain, nature has sculpted 202 earthen figures dec- orated with stone caps. With heights of up to 15 metres and widths of up to three metres, they resemble something not of this world. Nu- merous legends about them have been recounted: “people carried pet- rified devils on their backs and ago- nised, succeeding in repelling them when they spent the night near the nearby Church of Saint Petka”. Ac- cording to another legend, they are petrified wedding guests and new- lyweds of a family tricked by the Devil into allowing a brother and sister to wed. In reality, scientists have deter- mined that Devil’s Town emerged as a result of erosion caused by rain- fall washing away part of the clay layer and leaving the earth under the stone caps intact. The addition- al influence of wind, sun and tem- perature changes caused the form- ing of the strange stone figures that we see today. But that’s not all – the Devil’s Water spring is located near the town and is characterised by cold and extremely acidic water filled with aluminium, iron, copper and sulphur. And just a few hun- dred metres away is the Red Spring, which was so named due to the col- our of the water resulting from the high level of iron content. Lazar’s Canyon Stretching across the eastern part of the Kučaj mountain range is Lazar’s Canyon, which has been carved out masterfully by the river after which it is named. Cut into the limestone of Dubašnička plain, this impressive canyon is connected to the shallower and smaller canyons of the rivers Mikuljska and Pojens- ka, but also the Demižlok Canyon. Lazar’s Canyon is considered one the most difficult to traverse in Ser- bia. Covering a length of 4.5 kilo- metres, the rock walls above it rise to a height of 500 metres, while at its narrowest point it is just four metres wide. The best time to vis- it is during the peak summer peri-
zemljane figure, priroda je izvajala u središtu planine Radan At the heart of Radan mountain, nature has sculpted 202 earthen figures 202
Đavolja varoš Na jugu Srbije, u središtu pla- nine Radan, priroda je izvajala 202 zemljane figure koje ukrašavaju ka- mene kape. Visoke do 15 metara i široke do tri metra, deluju kao da nisu sa ovoga sveta. O njima su ispričane brojne legende: „Okame- njene đavole su ljudi nosili na le- đima i trpeli, a uspeli da odagnaju kad su zanoćili kraj obližnje Crkve Svete Petke.“ Druga legenda kaže da su to okamenjeni svatovi i mla- denci porodice koju je đavo preva- rio da venča brata i sestru. No naučnici su utvrdili da je Đavolja varoš nastala kao posledi- ca erozije, kada su kišne padavine odnosile deo po deo glinenog slo- ja, dok su delovi zemlje ispod ka- menih kapa ostali netaknuti. Kad se tome doda uticaj vetra, sunca i temperaturnih promena – nastale su figure čudnih oblika kakve vi- dimo danas. Ali to nije sve – đa- volja voda izvire u blizini Varoši, a odlikuje je hladnoća i ekstremna kiselost puna aluminijuma, gvož- đa, bakra i sumpora. Svega nekoli- ko stotina metara dalje je i Crveno vrelo, tako nazvano zbog boje ko- ju dobija zahvaljujući velikoj koli- čini gvožđa. Lazarev kanjon Na istočnom delu Kučaja pro- teže se Lazarev kanjon, koji je ma- estralno izdubila Lazareva reka. Ovaj impozantan kanjon usečen je u krečnjačku Dubašničku ravan, a na njega se nadovezuju plići i ma-
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