Elevate August 2022 | Air Serbia


Slapovi Sopotnice Dok prilazite slapovima reke Sopotnice, ništa ne upućuje na to kakvo se prirodno blago tamo kri- je. Dok se krećete uzanim maka- damskim putem, kojim se može proći samo peške, sve jače će se čuti buka kojom Sopotnica doziva da vam predstavi svoje vodopa- de. Slapovi se nalaze na obronci- ma planine Jadovnik u jugozapad- noj Srbiji, a nastali su zbog velike visinske razlike koju Sopotnica u svom toku pravi niz planinu. Sama reka nastaje iz većeg bro- ja stalnih i povremenih izvora, a nakon zajedničkog toka opet se grana i svaki tok pravi svoje sla- pove dok juri niz planinu. Duž reke podignute su brojne vode- nice koje su nekada mlele žito, a danas služe za odmor i uživanje u prirodi. Kamen i drvo od ko- jeg su građene, kao i stara ognji- šta, alat i kameni mlinovi, svedo- če o životu koji se ovde odvijao pre svega jednog veka. Voda So- potnice je čista, pitka, ali i veo- ma hladna, a kamenje koje se na- lazi oko nje je u davna vremena služilo za gradnju obližnjih kuća, kao i za podizanje Manastira Mi- leševa u 13. veku.

among the largest and highest nat- ural arches in Europe. They can be accessed via a marked trail that leads from Vrat- na Monastery and ascends through a dense forest. You will reach the Small Arch (Mala Prerast) after just a 20-minute walk. Despite its name, it is characterised by an arch that reach- es a towering height of as much as 34 metres, and - together with the large outgrowth – is also known as the monastery gate. Next on the tour is the Large Arch (Velika Prerast), which you can even clamber on top of and enjoy views of the surrounding land- scape. Finally, after more than two hours walking through the canyon, you will reach the Dray Arch (Su- va Prerast). It has formed at a spot where the Vratna runs dry during the summer, thus giving it its name. The youngest of the three gates, it is al- so the most challenging to explore. And there are also unexplored caves in the vicinity, the beauty of which has yet to be enjoyed. Sopotnica Waterfalls As you approach the waterfalls of the river Sopotnica, there is noth- ing to suggest that such a treasure of nature is hidden there. As you

advance along the narrow macad- am road that can only be traversed on foot, you will slowly start to hear the increasing noise with which So- potnica calls you to witness its wa- terfalls. These stunning falls, located on the slopes of Jadovnik mountain in southwest Serbia, were created due to the major differences in ele- vation along the course of the Sopo- tnica down the mountain. The river itself is sourced from a number of permanent and intermittent springs, and after unifying into a common course, the river once again branch- es out, with each stream forming its own waterfall as it rushes down the mountain. Numerous watermills have been built along the length of the river. Once used to mill grain, they today serve as spots for re- laxation and enjoyment in nature. The stone and wood used to build them, together with the old hearths, tools and millstones, testify to the life that unfolded here just a century ago. The Sopotnica’s water is clean and drinkable, but also very cold, and the stones that can be found in its proximity were used in bygone times to construct nearby houses, but also the 13 th century Mileševa Monastery.

Slapovi se nalaze na obroncima planine Jadovnik u jugozapadnoj Srbiji The falls are located on the slopes of Jadovnik mountain in southwest Serbia

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