The Keap Insider - Volume 1.2

Confidential Formula Allows You to Transform Your Business and Open the Floodgates to More Wealth, Power, and Freedom

T he amazing part, of course, is how quickly this all works. Within hours of employing the below strategies, you could see a boost in the number of qualified leads coming to your business and could double the size of your business in as little as six months! If you want to grow your business in the quickest, most efficient way possible, continue reading! We’re going to reveal a secret some copywriters don’t want you to know: You can probably create better ads for your product or service than most high-cost copywriters and ad agencies. Why is that? It’s because you’re much closer to your business than any copywriter could ever be. You know all your market’s hot buttons, and you’re passionate about your product/service. You just need a formula — a formula that’s been used over and over again by most “A-list” copywrit- ers, including Dan Kennedy at Magnetic Marketing. And we’re not talking about creating “cookie cut- ter” copy here, either. Have you seen a movie recently? Most movies fit into specific genres: horror, comedy, drama, etc. But they all follow similar formats — the hero kills the villain, the guy gets the girl, they all live happily ever after, etc. In other words, most movies follow proven script sequences, or formulas, that appeal to movie-goers again and again.

But each movie has a different plot twist, inter- esting characters, and meaningful scenarios that make it different from other movies, and that keeps us coming back for more. Hollywood has this down to a science! In the same vein, we have a formula for writing marketing messages that eliminates a lot of the guesswork you have to go through, but it can easily be tailored for your own market and offers. • If you’ve never written an ad before, this could be an excellent introduction to writing a sales letter that could shortcut business except for copywriting, then this literally could be the most important message you’ll ever read. • If you write ads for your business but find yourself “stuck” or are unsure of what works, then this will show you how you can save tons of time and boost the rate at which you grow your business. your learning curve. If you’ve got everything down in your

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