The Keap Insider - Volume 1.2

Why Do Some Businesses While Others Grow& Scale Flounder or Fail?

enough money to truly enjoy life, you are free. That is, or at least should be, the goal. As an added bonus, when you’ve achieved the goal of no lon- ger needing to work in your busi- ness, you’d have a massive impact on your quality of life as well as the resale value of your compa- ny, even if you have no plans on selling anytime soon. Who doesn’t want to increase the value of their company and net worth?

Recently, I was working with a friend to help him grow his busi- ness. My friend has good lead generation and a good closing percentage, which is nice. When he and I first sat down, he asked for help getting more leads and closing more sales. That didn’t surprise me because that is what everyone asks for. Nearly all en- trepreneurs say they want more leads, which should be your first clue to look in a different di- rection because the masses are nearly always wrong. This herd mentality, even with entrepre- neurs, is a primary reason why so few businesses even break a million dollars in annual sales, let alone scale to $5 million or $10 million in revenue. It’s the reason many never achieve the dreams that led them to become entre- preneurs in the first place. If you want to grow and scale your company, one of the first areas I always look at is the mind- set of the entrepreneur. Mindset

may be the No. 1 area that keeps entrepreneurs from growing and achieving their dreams. An easy question to ask yourself is this: What is the primary goal for all entrepreneurs? In the beginning, it is to buy back their time and freedom. You may have separate goals for the business on a vari- ety of topics, but I don’t know an entrepreneur who didn’t dream of buying back their time and free- dom, at least early on. Unfortunately a funny thing hap- pens as we get into being business owners — that goal dies. In many cases, we end up a virtual slave to our business. I want to bring that goal back into focus for you. My personal life goals, as well as the goal for all of my companies, is to not have to do anything at all unless I choose to do it. While I have no desire to not work, I do desire to have the choice. This is the point of being an entrepreneur. If you can choose to do what you want, when you want, and have

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