ApprenticeshipNC Toolkit I

Why Invest in Registered Apprenticeship?

9 Gain access to an effective recruitment tool that expands education and training options, increases employee retention, and addresses pipeline concerns 9 Ensure the transfer of necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise 9 Provide access to earn-and-learn training models under qualified mentors with incremental pay increases 9 Contribute to the economy while promoting career development 9 Build closer relationships between industry and the workforce ecosystem

Basic Requirements of a Registered Apprenticeship Program: 9 Employ your apprentices 9 Pair apprentices with experienced mentors

9 Train apprentices in all phases of the occupation 9 Create and implement a progressive wage scale 9 Coordinate on-the-job learning and supplemental education to maximize training effectiveness y On-the-Job Learning: o Apprentices learn while working under the instruction of an experienced colleague or mentor o Apprentices must complete a minimum of 2,000 OTJ Learning Hours y Supplemental Education: o Each year of the program must include 144 hours of supplemental education Ç based on the occupation and the employers’ unique requirements. o Employers can partner with community colleges, universities, vocational or Ç technical schools, industry associations and labor organizations for related Ç instruction. Some employers choose to offer supplemental education in-house

What Occupations are Available?

Almost every occupation is apprenticeable! (List of approved occupations)

9 Registered Nurse 9 Computer Programmer 9 Special Education Teacher 9 Accountant 9 HVAC-R Mechanic

9 Boat Builder 9 Plumber 9 Cook 9 Electrician


Unlock Your Workforce Potential: Invest in Your Future with ApprenticeshipNC

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