King's Business - 1917-12

THE KING’S BUSINESS 1065 antagonizes all the tender sentiment we feel toward the body of one dear to us. No one can witness the details of a cremation without shuddering with horror. We hesitate even to mention these details—the writhing of the body as the flames transform it into smoke and ashes that together roar up a furnace flue, then drop everywhere to be trodden under foot. After nothing remains but charred bones, they are broken up and ground to .powder. These details of cremation are so shocking that no owner or employee of a crematory in Seattle has ever cremated his own dead. We can well believe this Statement. Yet it is through the efforts of these crematory owners that the practice of cremation has become so extensive here in Seattle. As a commercial matter and from mercernary motives this propaganda has been boosted in season and out of season.”

Back of the pulpit lies the preacher. _Back of the preacher there is God. The greater the reliance of the

Back of the People Is the Pulpit.

preacher on God, the more productive will the study be, and the more effective the message from the pulpit. It is not, finally, possible that God can mean more to the people than He is to and in the preacher.

This slogan of Darwin’s doctrine of evolution, cham- pioned by Germany and taught by her professors for years past, as worthy of a national conception, and basis for its own actions and a governing principle of

“The Survival of the Fittest.”

her dealings with other peoples, reveals to us the mind of the German. To her “might is right”—the strongest man the superman. All international law must stand aside in view of this German will to power. This is not evolution; it is “devilution.” It is a doctrine from the abyss. The Nazarene never taught such a brutal doctrine as this. Germany should surrender the caption—“A Chris­ tian Nation.” If she ever was that, she has ceased to be it now. The pity is that England and America ever sent her youth to Germany to imbibe such doc­ trines. She will never do so again.

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