King's Business - 1917-12



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U REE training of consecrated young men and young women, to make them efficient Bible workers, prepared for any field of Christian endeavor, is the sole object sought by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The greatest enrollment in our his­ tory marked the opening of the - fall term, but it also brought with it increased responsibility. The greater the number of students, the more necessary the generous co-operation of Christian men and women in car­ rying on this unselfish work, for, be it known, the student pays only actual cost for board and gets all training in the school absolutely FREE. It doesn’t take a mathema­ tician to figure out that a large fac­ ulty, the heavy running expenses and

the interest-bearing indebtedness, must be met from voluntary sources. Will not every reader of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e ss become a volunteer. You can become one either through direct contributions or through our Annu­ ity Bond Plan. Appeal is made to every' man and woman who wishes to see the Gospel carried to neglected fields near home and to the farther­ most parts of the earth. Assurance is given that every dollar shall go into the Lord’s work. Our graduates are at work almost everywhere—in the home field, in China, Japan, India, Africa, Mexico, South Amer­ ica. Help send others by helping to sustain this great institution. Make all checks payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Write for particu­ lars of the Annuity Bond Plan.

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