King's Business - 1917-12



The noon-day shop meetings have been splendidly supported, and we have had the joy of seeing many of these hard-working sons of toil evincing a strong interest in things, spiritual as well as many of them coming out clear, for our Lord Jesus. Some of the .bosses have, of their own accord, extended the noon hour fifteen minutes to enable all the men to get in—one, in fact, personally going after his force of fifty men and bringing every one of them under the sound of the Word. We have been able to extend our work to many outlying districts. Our street work has been most gratifying, and we have been privileged to even carry the message to our midnight mission, where human derelicts stagger in, and witnessed as many as a dozen of these poor fellows at one time soaking the. benches at which they knelt, with repentant tears. We have been greatly blessed and cheered by the splendid reception given us in all the fire-engine houses, and our own hearts have been G OD has been leading some of the Bible classes out into prayer for defi­ nite things. In one case a lady had been sick for some months; the night before had been an unusually hard time, and we were led to ask that the next night she might have rest. She knew nothing of the prayer until afterwards, but she did have the most restful night in many weeks and was rest­ ful the next day. It resulted in strength­ ening 1 the faith of many in the class, and bringing under conviction an unsaved man who we are sure will yield himself soon to the Master. A dear little lady who had been born and reared in the Roman Catholic faith, responded to the knock of a Bible woman one day. A few minutes’ conversation

warmed and refreshed and we have praised God as we have seen not only the deepen­ ing conviction but the stand some of our boys have taken. The “higher-ups” have been especially sympathetic and helpful, notifying all the houses of their hearty endorsement of the work, and requesting not only that every courtesy and kindness be extended us, but a full attendance whenever possible. This fine body of men is certainly a wonderful sight with its per­ fect system and deportment, and the kind recogriition and genuine appreciation of all we have been able to bring to them in the way of encouraging messages, accompan­ ied with some exceptional singing and music. One of these fine men in charge assured us that the work done by our boys was counting more for efficiency and moral up­ lift than any and all other agencies com­ bined. So we have much tp praise God for. revealed the hunger of her heart. Mar­ ried to a non-Catholic, she had ceased to attend church, acknowledged that she never prayed any more, and that she really had never known God as Saviour and friend. Her three bright, winsome chil­ dren, so in need of Christian teaching and training, were a rebuke to her, and she confessed her own need of Christ. She then promised to read God’s Word, but there was no Bible in the house. She had never held one in her hands. It was touch­ ing to see the eagerness and delight with which she received a copy of the Bible, and the children were scarcely less inter­ ested. Four-year-old Joe reported to his father upon his return home, “Daddy, Miss Blank was here today and brought God With her.”

------------O— ;------- WORK OF THE BIBLE WOMEN

Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt.

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