King's Business - 1917-12



A young, girl in her teens was found in a state of great mental distress because of unhappy conditions in her life, and had it in mind to do something desperate. After a long talk together and stubborn resist­ ance to the Bible promises, she was asked, “Don’t you want God’s help?” Then she broke down with the answer, “I certainly do,” and then and there made a definite surrender. In twenty-four hours the whole situation had changed and she is now giv­ ing a ringing testimony of her faith in Christ, and is rejoicing in her new-found joy. A “shut-in” who was a great sufferer, and lately bereaved of the last of her near kin, with a little ' girl as her only com_- panion, cordially welcomed the Bible Woman’s frequent visits and felt cheered and helped by the prayer and Bible reading together. One day a little service was held when the neighbors were invited in. The thought emphasized in song, Scripture and prayer was “Security in Christ and the Glory of Heaven.” A faraway look was in the invalid’s eyes. So sweetly she expressed her appreciation of the service and her last words were, “Do come often for I have grown to depend on your visits.” Four days later she was suddenly taken worse and in three hours passed out to be with her Lord, where to, her the prom­ ises have their fulfillment, and the hope a glorious reality. When a wife was questioned about the spiritual condition of her husband, who had been attending Bible class somewhat irreg­ ularly, she replied: “We never have talked of those things; he is a very quiet man.” The worker, as soon as opportunity offered, had a personal talk with him and he came out into full surrender of his life and said: “Do you knpw, I believe I have been ready for this for some timé, but no one, not

even my wife, ever'said a word to me about these things.” “Won’t you please talk to my friend. She has come clear across the city to ask you some questions.” A member of a Bible class stood beside me as I attempted to answer some questions with which the Bible woman is always thronged at the close of the lesson. The friend was a beautiful woman, but her face was filled with sadness and discontent, and the ques­ tion she had come to ask was, why God did not hear her prayer when she asked for health. A Christian Scientist neighbor had told her that probably “God did not know what she wanted when she prayed.” Making sure that the woman was really born again, I asked her what she wanted to do with her health if she had it, and her reply was that she wanted to work for God. Then lifting my heart to Him for special wisdom I said to her, “You want your health that you may work for God; if He should show you that you can glorify Him more by being sick than by being well, are you willing to be sick.” We left the building and walked home together but she could not make the surrender and I could not force her to a profession that was beyond the work of the Spirit of God, and so with a word of prayer and an invitation to attend the class nearest her home, I left her for the Holy Spirit to complete the work which I was sure He had begun. About three months later, I knew by her face that the surrender had been made. “I’ve come into the little church nearest me,” she said. “I thought God wanted me to work for Him one way, now I see He had other work for me to do.” “And how about the health?” “Oh, I’m going to work for Him whether I am sick or well.” Her neighbors tell me she is a veritable flame of fire, seeking to win others for Christ.

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