fenomeni / phenomena
su . Iako je Park iz doba jure bio veoma ambiciozan i zah- tevan projekat, efekti u filmu vidljivi su svega 14 minuta od 127, koliko traje. Za rad na pokretima dinosaurusa an- gažovan je Sten Vinston, ko- ji je prethodno radio na Ter - minatoru .
bitious and demanding pro- ject, the special effects creat- ed for the film are only visible for 14 of its 127-minute runtime. Stan Winston, who’d previous- ly worked on Terminator, was hired to work on the dinosaurs’ movements.
Schindler's List was Spiel- berg’s greatest unfulfilled
Šindlerova lista je bi- la Spilbergova najveća
desire, but Universal Pictures promised to finance it - though only if he agreed to direct Ju- rassic Park in parallel. In order to be able to successfully launch the production of Schindler's List, he completed Jurassic Park 12 days ahead of schedule, on 30 th November 1992. This cre- ated a very busy schedule, be- cause he launched production of the second film while the first one was still being edited, which led to Spielberg com- pleting the editing of Jurassic Park while working in Krakow. Both films were almost pushed back a year, as they were both finally completed less than a month before premiering.
neostvarena želja, ali je stu- dio Univerzal obećao finan- siranje tog filma samo uko- liko paralelno snimi Park iz doba jure . Da bi uspeo da otpočne produkciju Šind - lerove liste , završio je Park iz doba jure 12 dana pre ro- ka, 30. novembra 1992. Ovo je bio dosta gust raspored, jer je u trenutku kada je pro- dukcija drugog filma poče- la montaža prvog i dalje bila u toku, pa je Spilberg mon- tažu Parka iz doba jure zavr- šio u Krakovu. Oba filma su umalo pomerena za nared- nu godinu, jer su bili završe- ni nepunih mesec dana pre premijere.
Rain led to the life-sized T-Rex model breaking
Zbog kiše lutka tira- nosaurusa u prirod-
down often, and at one point the film crew used fans to dry it out, which caused it to move and open its jaws, terrifying everyone present.
noj veličini često je bila u kvaru, te se u jednom tre- nutku, kada ju je ekipa filma sušila fenovima jer se zagla- vila, pomerila i otvorila čelju- sti, što je sve prisutne pre- stravilo.
The Spinosaurus from Ju- rassic Park 3 is the largest
life-sized animatronic ever cre- ated for the purposes of a film.
Spinosaurus iz trećeg dela Parka iz doba jure
came along. Spielberg and Univer- sal Pictures had bought the rights to Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park nov- el even before it was published, with Crichton receiving another half a mil- lion dollars to adapt the book into a screenplay. John Williams composed the cult music for the soundtrack that has remained one of his most recog- nisable works. The first film was fol- lowed by Spielberg’s sequel, The Lost World, after which he stepped back from directing films for the franchise, but stayed on as executive producer. Much like The Lost World, 2001’s third instalment experienced a criti- cal catastrophe, while box office earn- ings continued to fall (generating 617 and 369 million dollars respectively). It was clear that the dinosaurs needed to be left to their own devices on the island of Nublar, at least for a while, and that’s where they remained un- til 2015, when Universal and Colin Trevorrow revived the franchise, this time under the title Jurassic World. Sam Neill and Laura Dern, the first film’s leading lights (and episod- ic characters in the third film) were replaced by rising stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. The film proved to be a great success among both critics and the public. Gross- ing $1.7 billion, it was that year’s second most successful film (after Star Wars: The Force Awakens). De-
spite the great interest in reviving the franchise, the results nonethe- less exceeded all expectations. Tre- vorrow announced that this film marked the launch of a new trilo- gy, which would continue with the film Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, directed by Juan Antonio Bayona (known for the film The Impossi- ble starring Naomi Watts). Follow- ing the 20 th anniversary rerelease of the original Jurassic Park that led to it surpassing the billion-dollar mark, Fallen Kingdom followed in the foot- steps of its predecessor by earning $1.3 billion. The third, and for now conclud- ing, instalment, Jurassic World: Do- minion, was planned for release in the summer of 2021, but was pushed back a year due to production having taken almost nine months. Judging by public interest and ticket sales to date, Dominion is set to be the most watched film of summer 2022 and perhaps the whole year – unless the Avatar sequel repeats the success of its predecessor. Following the events of Fallen Kingdom, dinosaurs are on the loose across the planet and humans no longer have control. Help is on the way from the original trio of Sam Neill, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum (this time not in the form of cam- eo roles).
Jurassic World 3: Dominion The dinosaurs are back The world created by the peerless Steven Spielberg back in 1993 represented an incredible shift in visual effects, and the fifth sequel, almost 30 years on, leaves no doubt that this world has “aged properly”
je najveća lutka u prirodnoj veličini ikada napravljena za potrebe filma.
In Jurassic World, a Mo- sasaurus devours a
great white shark, which is a reference to Spielberg’s 1975 hit.
U Svetu iz doba jure mosasaurus proždi-
The sound produced by the main “villain”, the Ty-
re veliku belu ajkulu, što je referenca na Spilbergov hit iz 1975.
The films (all five of them) in this dinosaur
Zvuk koji proizvodi glavni „negativac“ ti-
rannosaurus Rex, is a combina- tion of the sounds of an alliga- tor, tiger and baby elephant.
series have to date earned a combined total of 5.1 bil- lion dollars, which ranks them in tenth place overall, behind franchises like Middle Earth (The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit) (6 films), The Fast and the Furious (8 films), X-Men (13 films), Spider-Man (8 films), James Bond (24 films), The Wizarding World (Har- ry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts series) (11 films), Star Wars (12 film) and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (28 films). However, considering that the new Dominion film will al- most certainly earn between 800 million and 1.2 billion dol- lars, this franchise is likely to be elevated to at least sixth place overall, while the trilo- gy will move to as high as sec- ond place, behind only the last Star Wars trilogy (2015-2019), which earned $4.5 billion.
ranosaurus reks je kombina- cija zvukova koje proizvode aligator, tigar i beba slona.
Svi filmovi (5) iz se- rijala o dinosaurusi-
Jurassic Park was filmed in Hawaii, but produc-
ma su zasad zaradili 5,1 mi- lijardu dolara, što ih rangira na deseto mesto sveukupno, iza serijala poput Gospoda - ra prstenova / Hobita (šest fil- mova), Paklenih ulica (osam filmova), Iks-mena (13), Spajdermena (8), Džejm - sa Bonda (24), Harija Potera (11 filmova, uključujući Fanta - stične zveri ), Ratova zvezda (12) i Marvel univerzuma (28 filmova). Ipak, ako se uzme u obzir da će novi film Nad - moć sigurno inkasirati izme- đu 800 miliona i 1,2 milijarde dolara, to će franšizu lansi- rati barem na šesto mesto, a trilogiju čak na drugo, iza po- slednje trilogije Ratova zvez - da (2015–2019), koja je zara- dila 4,5 milijardi dolara.
Park iz doba jure je sniman na Havajima,
tion was hampered by Hurri- cane Iniki, which is still the most powerful hurricane to ever hit Hawaii.
Steven Spielberg has re- mained remembered in the film world for many spectacular achievements, but 1993 was perhaps the most important year of his ca- reer. Namely, that was the year a com- bined total of 10 Oscars were won by two of his films: Schindler’s List (7) and Jurassic Park (3). After he’d defined the very term blockbuster with his 1975 classic Jaws and el- evated commercial Hollywood film to the next rung on the ladder with E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Jurassic Park marked the crowning glory of his career. With what would today be con- sidered a modest budget of 63 million dollars, Jurassic Park remained the world’s highest-grossing film (with 978 million dollars) until Titanic
ali je produkciji dosta odmo- gao uragan Iniki, koji je naj- veći uragan ikada u istori- ji Havaja. Originalnu glumačku postavu činili su Ha- rison Ford, Kristina Riči, Šon Koneri i Žilijet Binoš.
The original proposed cast included Harrison
Ford, Christina Richie, Sean Connery and Juliette Binoche.
Mechatronic puppets (animatronics) were
Za veći deo filma ko- rišćene su lutke (ani-
used for most of the first film, but Spielberg wasn’t satis- fied with the overall result and decided to work with his spe- cial effects team to create ef- fects that hadn’t been used previously, not even in Termi- nator and The Abyss. Despite Jurassic Park being a very am-
matroniksi), međutim Spi- lberg nije bio zadovoljan sveukupnim rezultatom, te je sa timom za specijalne efekte radio na efektima ko- ji nisu bili korišćeni do tada čak ni u Terminatoru i Ambi -
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