Er Srbija info / air Serbia info
The glorious history of Air Serbia
Šest godina direktne veze Beograda i Njujorka
The Serbian national airline was originally established on 17 th June 1927, under the name Aeroput, making Air Serbia the world’s eighth oldest airline that’s still operational Celebrating 95 years of aviation
Er Srbija ovog 23. juna obeležava šest godina od istorijskog leta za Njujork kojim je 2016. godi- ne uspostavljena direktna vazdušna veza izme- đu Srbije i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, posle pauze od gotovo četvrt veka. Srpska nacional- na avio-kompanija jedina u regionu ima redovnu direktnu liniju preko Atlantika tokom cele godi- ne. Kapaciteti na letovima do Velike jabuke goto- vo su uvek popunjeni, a ova linija je u velikoj me- ri doprinela razvoju turizma i poslovne saradnje između jugoistočne Evrope i Sjedinjenih Ame- ričkih Država. Na liniji Beograd–Njujork leti avion erbas A330 nazvan po legendarnom srpskom naučniku i pronalazaču Nikoli Tesli. Sa konfigura- cijom od 18 sedišta u biznis-klasi i 236 sedišta u ekonomskoj klasi, erbas A330 najveći je avion u floti Er Srbije , a sleće na Međunarodni aerodrom JFK u Njujorku. Six years of direct flights between Belgrade and New York Air Serbia is marking the sixth anniversary of the historic 23 rd June, 2016, flight to New York that served to re-establish direct flights between Serbia and the United States after a break of almost a quarter of a century. The Serbian flag carrier is the only airline in the region to have a regular direct transatlantic flight year- round. Air Serbia’s flights to the Big Apple are almost always at full capacity, and this line has contributed greatly to the development of tourism and business cooperation between the region of Southeast Europe and the United States. Flights along the Belgrade-New York route are performed using an Airbus A330 named after legendary Serb scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. With a configuration of 18 seats in business class and 236 seats in economy class, the Airbus A330 is the largest plane in the Air Serbia fleet. It lands at New York’s JFK International Airport.
lines, representing only the 10 th su- ch company in Europe and the 21 st worldwide. At its peak, Aeroput flew to all four corners of the world: north to Budapest, Brno and Prague, west to Venice and Milan, south to Tirana, east to Bucharest and Sofia… During the company’s heyday, all of Yugo- slavia’s larger cities (Zagreb, Podgo- rica, Dubrovnik, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Split and Skopje) were connected to Belgrade, as well as some smaller ones. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, Aeroput had a modern fleet of 14 planes (with seven Lockheed air- craft forming the spine), operated by a dozen pilots and five radio-tele- graphists. Aeroput’s inaugural and on- ly director, as mentioned, was Tadi- ja Sondermejer, thanks to whom the company managed to come to life immediately, despite a very difficult start, and who also piloted the first official flight, together with Captain Vladimir Striževski, between Belgra- de and Zagreb.
From Aeroput, which was hea- ded by famous aviator and its only director Tadija Sondermajer and was the pride of the then Kingdom of Yu- goslavia, via JAT, the airline that on- ce represented the only air bridge connecting all corners of the wor- ld, to Air Serbia, the new Serbian wings. Following in the footsteps of its famous predecessors, Air Ser- bia is continuing to inscribe pages of historical significance today, as it awaits the celebration of a great ju- bilee by striding proudly towards its centenary. Inspiration is still drawn from the courageous pioneers of domestic aviation, who had to overcome nu- merous difficulties back in 1927. Air Transport Company AD Aeroput was the first Yugoslav joint-stock com- pany for civil aviation, which was fo- unded on 17 th June, 1927, in the pa- lace of the Adriatic-Danube Bank in Belgrade, and formally ceased ope- rations on 24 th December, 1948. We were among the first civilian air-
kompanija u Evropi i 21. u svetu. Na svom vrhuncu Aeroput leti na sve četiri strane sveta: na sever do Bu- dimpešte, Brna i Praga, na zapad do Venecije i Milana, na jug do Ti- rane, na istok do Bukurešta i So- fije… Sa Beogradom su u najbo- lje doba ove kompanije povezani gotovo svi veći jugoslovenski gra- dovi (Zagreb, Podgorica, Dubrov- nik, Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Split i Sko- plje), pa i neki manji. Pred Drugi svetski rat Aeroput ima modernu flotu od 14 aviona (sa sedam loki- da kao okosnicom) koju je opsluži- valo desetak pilota i pet radio-te- legrafista. Prvi direktor Aeroputa bio je Tadija Sondermajer, zahvaljuju- ći kome je kompanija na samom teškom početku uspela da zaživi, a koji je obavio i prvi zvanični let s kapetanom Striževskim na relaciji Beograd–Zagreb.
Slavna istorija Er Srbije
Slavimo 95 godina letenja Avio-kompanija je osnovana 17. juna 1927. godine pod imenom Aeroput , što Er Srbiju čini osmom najstarijom avio-kompanijom na svetu koja još posluje
Aeroput je od samog osnivanja spadao u najuglednije kompanije na Starom kontinentu Aeroput ranked among the Old Continent’s most reputable companies from its very establishment
Od Aeroputa , koji je sa ču- venim pilotom i svojim jedinim di- rektorom Tadijom Sondermajerom na čelu bio ponos Kraljevine Jugo- slavije, preko JAT-a, avio-kompa- nije koja je predstavljala jedinstve- ni vazdušni most ka svim stranama sveta, do novih srpskih krila – Er Srbije . Nakon svojih slavnih pret- hodnika Er Srbija nastavlja da is- pisuje stranice koje i danas imaju istorijski značaj, čekajući proslavu velikog jubileja i ponosno koračaju- ći u susret stogodišnjici.
Inspiracija još dolazi od hra- brosti pionira domaće avijacije, ko- ji su te davne 1927. godine morali da se suoče sa brojnim teškoća- ma. Društvo za vazdušni saobra- ćaj AD Aeroput bilo je prvo jugo- slovensko akcionarsko preduzeće za civilni vazdušni saobraćaj, ko- je je osnovano 17. juna 1927. godi- ne u palati Jadransko-podunavske banke u Beogradu, a formalno je prestalo sa radom 24. decembra 1948. godine. Bili smo među prvim civilnim avio-prevoznicima, kao 10.
Svega nekoliko avio-kompanija na svetu ima istoriju dužu od 90 godina Only a few airlines around the world have a history that exceeds 90 years
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