kultura / culture
Na Glavnoj bini nastupiće Igi Azaleja, australijska hip-hop diva The Main Stage will also host the performance of Iggy Azalea , an Australian hip hop diva
5. mts Dance Arena I ove godine, tradicionalno, mts Dan- ce Arena tokom četiri večeri EXIT fe- stivala postaje epicentar elektronske muzičke scene. Kolosalni plesni po- dijum ovog leta osvajaju predstavni- ca haus zvuka, modna ikona i aktivist- kinja Hani Dižon, predvodnik svetske scene i produkcijski genije Mejsio Pleks, jedan od trenutno najtraženijih tehno producenata Rajner Zoneveld, mladi Britanac sa zavidnom karijerom Denis Sulta, Satori, Monolink, dok će zajednički set sa briljantnim teh- no zvukom doneti kraljica palestinske scene, jedinstvena Sama’ Abdulhadi i ANNA, koja je svetsku scenu osvojila po dolasku iz Brazila. 6. Globalni hitmejkeri Globalni hitmejkeri predstaviće se na Glavnoj bini, a među njima su i dva umetnika smeštena u top 10 godišnje liste slavnog di-džeja Maga – di-džej i producent Afrodžek i najveći brazilski superstar Alok, kao i nemački hitmej- ker ATB. Misteriozni američki di-džej i producent ZHU predstojećeg ju- la na Petrovaradinsku tvrđavu dono- si magiju i ritam zbog kojeg ga sma- traju naslednikom dua Daft Punk , dok će numeru Do It To It , koja je osvoji- la vrh svih vodećih top-lista, predsta- viti Akraze. 7. Gitarske senzacije EXIT festival više od dve decenije ne ostaje dužan ni ljubiteljima tvrđeg zvuka. Na Glavnu binu dolaze kultna brazilska Sepultura , legendarna če- tvorka iz Birmingema Napalm Death , sastav Blind Channel , čiji je nastup na prošlogodišnjem Evrosongu obišao planetu, kao i beloruski postpank fe- nomen Molchat Doma . Na Vi - sa Fusion binu stižu dobitnik Gremija za životno de- lo i živa ikona pan- ka Marki Ra- mon, vodeći postpank darkvejv bend She Past Away , jedan od koncertno na- jaktivnijih bendova regio- na Brkovi , dok žestoku Explosive binu predvodi The Exploited .
followed. He will bring the most emo- tive sound to the festival’s Main Stage. 5. mts Dance Arena This year once again, as is tradition, the mts Dance Arena will become the epicentre of the world’s electronic music scene during the four evenings of EXIT. The colossal dance podium will be ruled this summer by Honey Di- jon – activist, fashion icon and rep- resentative of the house sound, Ma- ceo Plex – champion of the world stage and production genius, Reini- er Zonneveld – one of the most high- ly-sought-after techno producers, Denis Sulta – a young Brit who’s al- ready developed an enviable ca- reer, Satori and Monolink, while a joint set with brilliant techno sounds will be brought by the unique Sama’ Ab- dulhadi – the queen of the Palestin- ian techno scene, and ANNA – who came from Brazil to conquer the world scene. 6. Global hitmakers Global hitmakers will be presented on the festival’s Main Stage and in- clude two artists ranked in the Top 10 of the annual chart of famous publica- tion DJ Mag: DJ and producer Afrojack and Brazil’s biggest superstar Alok, as well as German hitmaker ATB. Myste- rious American DJ and producer ZHU will bring the magic and rhythm that have led to him being considered the successor of the duo Daft Punk to Petrovaradin Fortress this July, while the track Do It To It, which topped all leading charts, will be presented by Acraze. 7. Guitar sensation EXIT hasn’t neglected fans of hard- er sounds during the more than two decades of its existence. And the Main Stage will this year welcome cult Brazilian heavy metal band Sepultu- ra, legendary quartet from Birming- ham Napalm Death, Finn- ish band Blind Channel,
history of pop culture and its greatest achievements. This preacher of rock will roar on the festival’s Main Stage on 8 th July. 3. Iggy Azaleja The Main Stage will also host the per- formance of Iggy Azalea, an Australi- an hip hop diva who’s conquered the world. With her mega-hit Fancy, this multi-talented musician broke the re- cord for the longest-leading No. 1 by a female rapper ever, destroying all prej- udices in the process and becoming a role model and source of inspiration for all girls and women wanting to deal with this type of music. 4. james Arthur Pop, R&B and soul singer James Arthur won over fans around the world when he won the UK’s X Factor back in 2012, and to date he’s amassed over five bil- lion views and streams! This excellent lyricist and singer of the most beautiful ballads first topped the UK charts with his emotional cover version of the song Impossible, and many major hits have
Dance Arena tokom četiri večeri EXIT festivala postaje epicentar elektronske muzičke scene The Dance Arena will become the epicentre of the world’s electronic music scene during the four evenings of EXIT
3. Igi Azaleja Na Glavnoj bini nastupiće Igi Azaleja, australijska hip-hop diva koja je osvo- jila svet. Multitalentovana muzičarka je sa megahitom Fancy postala hip- hop izvođačica s najdugovečnijim sin- glom broj jedan u istoriji, rušeći sve predrasude i postajući uzor i inspiraci- ja svim devojakama i ženama koje že- le da se bave ovom vrstom muzike. 4. Džejms Artur Džejms Artur, pop, R&B i soul pevač osvojio je svet kada je 2012. godine pobedio u britanskom Iks faktoru , a u ovom trenutku broji više od pet mili- jardi pregleda i strimova! Vrsni teksto- pisac i pevač najlepših balada osvojio je vrh britanske top-liste emotivnom interpretacijom pesme Impossible, a usledili su mnogi veliki hitovi. Doneće najemotivniji zvuk na Glavnu binu.
godine Džejms Artur je osvojio svet kada je pobedio u britanskom Iks faktoru James Arthur won over fans around the world when he won the UK’s X Factor back in 2012 2012.
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