Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 3 Treća generacija Momen - tum serije zvučnog nemač- kog brenda diči se redizajnom slušalica i njihovog kućišta, ta- ko da se za nižu cenu (oko 50 evra manju u odnosu na pret- hodne verzije) može doći do besprekornog para koji će vam biti stalni saputnik na pu- tovanjima. Novitet je imple- mentacija tehnologije Adapti - ve Noise Cancelation putem koje ćete moći da svoje isku- stvo slušanja muzike dovede- te do savršenstva bez obzira na to koliko je buke u okruže- nju u kom se nalazite.
Marshall Willen U trci za najmanji i pritom najmoćniji bežični zvučnik, legendarni britanski pro- izvođač pojačala nudi šarmantno dizajnirani Willen zamišljen (i realizovan) da pruži uživanje u besprekornom zvuku putem gedžeta koji bukvalno staje na dlan. Još jednom maherski igrajući na kartu retro-asocijacije koju ovaj brend neminovno budi, u Marshall kreativnom timu stvorili su vodootporni haj-tek ak- sesoar koji će biti glavna fora u sezoni letnjih festivala, a sa baterijom koja traje duže od petnaest sati bukvalno ćete poželeti da ga ponesete kud god da kre- nete. Marshall Willen In the competition to create the smallest and most powerful wireless speaker, legendary British amplifier maker Marshall is offering the charmingly designed Willen, which is intended (and delivered) to provide enjoyment of immaculate audio via a gadget that literally fits in the palm of the hand. Once again master- fully playing the retro association card that this brand inevitably evokes, Mar- shall’s creative team has created a waterproof, portable tech accessory that will be a top hit during the summer festival season - and with a battery life exceeding fifteen hours, you’ll literally want to take it with you wherever you go.
Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless 3
The third generation of this German audio brand’s Mo- mentum series is elevated with a redesign of the earbuds and their carry case, enabling you to get the perfect pair of earbuds for a lower price (around 50 euros cheaper than the previous versions), which will become your con- stant travel companion. A new addition is the implementa- tion of Adaptive Noise Can- cellation technology that will enable you to raise your mu- sic listening experience to the level of perfection, regardless of how noisy your surround- ings might be.
CASETiFY Basquiat Collection Brend aksesoara kojem nije potrebno posebno predstavljanje sva- ke godine kreira naše želje da svoje omiljene gedžete odenemo u neku od njihovih lucidnih saradnji. Ove sezone ponovo se okreću legatu neprevaziđenog Basquiata , umetnika čija su slojevita de- la redefinisala ulogu uličnog stvaralaštva u istoriji moderne umet- nosti, istražujući arhivu u periodu između 1982. i 1984, te koristeći motive za futrole, maske i smartwatch narukvice koje nigde neće proći nezapaženo. CASETiFY Basquiat Collection This tech accessories brand, which needs no special introduction, creates designs that fulfil our desire to “dress” our favourite gadgets each year, through its dazzling collaborations. For this season, CA- SETiFY is again turning to the legacy of the inimitable Basquiat, an artist whose layered works redefined the role of “street” creativity in the history of modern art – by exploring the archive in the period be- tween 1982 and 1984 and using his themes to create device cases, covers and smartwatch bracelets that will be noticed everywhere.
Gedžeti / Gadgets
Leto uzbudljive haj-tek ekspanzije Summer of exciting hi-tech expansion Čini se da nikad nije bilo ovoliko raznovrsnih ged eta, od kojih svaki privlači pa nju pojavom i performansama koje zajedno daju futuristički vajb sa nimalo slučajnim retro-šmekom / It seems there’s never been such a multitude of gadgets, each demanding attention with both appearances and performances that combine to provide a futuristic vibe, with a retro charm that isn’t at all accidental
ASUS Zenbook 14X OLED Space Edition U čast 25-godišnjice prvog ASUS laptopa koji je lansiran u svemir putem svemirske stanice Mir 1998, nastao je novi model koji slavi nezaustav- ljivost istraživanja života izvan naše planete. Ekskluzivna Zero-G titani- jumska boja u vizuelnom smislu dočarava pragmatičnu izdržljivost ovog impresivnog primerka, napravljenog u skladu sa space-grade standar- dima tako da podnese 2.000 Hz vibracija i temperature u rangu od mi- nus 24 do 61 stepena Celzijusa, a da je pritom perolak (svega 1,4 kg) i ta- nak (15,9 mm). ASUS Zenbook 14X OLED Space Edition In honour of the 25 th anniversary of the first ASUS laptop to be launched in- to space, via the MIR space station in 1998, a new model has been creat- ed that celebrates the unstoppable search for life beyond our planet. The exclusive ‘Zero-G Titanium’ colour visually evokes the pragmatic durability of this impressive model, which has been built to such space-grade speci- fications that it can withstand extreme vibrations of 2,000Hz and temper- atures ranging from -24 to 61°C, while it is also lightweight (only 1.4 kg) and thin (15.9 mm).
Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić
Xbox Limited edition Tartan Sveti gral gejming kulture ili impulsivna kupovi- na onoga za šta niste ni znali da želite pre nego što ste ga ugledali? Ovaj džojstik iz ograničene serije, u čiji dizajn je inkorporirana tkanina tartan uzorka jedne od najstarijih škotskih tekstilnih ra- dionica, jeste i jedno i drugo – ali pre svega ar- tefakt dizajna koji na lucidan način spaja imagi- naciju i tradiciju. Sarađujući sa Gordon Nicolson Kiltmakers i Lochcarron of Scotland , kreativci iz Xboxovovo nezaustavljivog tima podarili su ulti- mativni obučeni suvenir za dvadesetogodšnji- cu velikog gejmerskog brenda.
Xbox Tartan limited edition The holy grail of gaming culture or an impulse pur- chase of something you didn't even know you wanted until you saw it? This limited-edition gam- ing controller, which incorporates a tartan pattern from one of Scotland's oldest textile workshops, is both - but is first and foremost a design artifact that eloquently combines imagination and tra- dition. By teaming up with Gordon Nicolson Kilt- makers and weaving mill Lochcarron of Scotland, Xbox’s unstoppable team of creatives have pre- sented the ultimate “dressed” souvenir to mark the 20 th anniversary of this console in Scotland.
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