Milano Milan
Er Srbija ce od 7. juna 2022. svakodnevno obavljati letove između Beograda i Milana. Ulaznice su vec dostupne na našoj veb stranici
Starting 7 th June 2022, Air Serbia will be operating daily flights between Belgrade and Milan. Tickets are already available on our website
Budite spremni za leto 2022.
Nikad nije rano da se planiraju lepe stvari, pa zašto već sada ne biste mi- slili o o tome da posetite Milano na leto ove godine? Er Srbija će od početka ju- na do italijanske modne prestonice le- teti svaki dan, pa ništa lakše nego otići do Milanske skale ili Duomo katedra- le, koja je obično prva stanica u Milanu. Sama katedrala je prelepa, ali pravo oduševljenje nastaje tek kada se po- pnete na njen vrh odakle možete vide- ti raskoš neverovatnih gotskih figura. Odmah pored veličanstvenog Duoma nalazi se još jedno od najposećenijih mesta, carstvo najvećih modnih bren- dova, Galerija Vitorija Emanuela. A to je tek početak velike letnje avanture u Milanu... Get ready for the summer of 2022 It's never too early to plan great things, so why not think about visiting Mi- lan this summer? From the beginning of June, Air Serbia will fly to the Italian fashion capital every day, so nothing is easier than going to the Milan Scala or the Duomo Cathedral, which is usu- ally the first stop in Milan. The cathe- dral itself is beautiful, but the real de- light comes when you climb to its top, where you can see the splendor of the incredible Gothic figures. Right next to the magnificent Duomo is another of the most visited places, the realm of the biggest fashion brands, the Galle- ria Vittorio Emanuele II. And that is just the beginning of a great summer ad- venture in Milan...
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 111
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