Lične adaptacije Labudovog jezera Personal adaptations of Swan Lake
Čajkovski i njegova mitska priča iz četiri nova ugla / Tchaikovsky and his mythical story from four new perspectives Erik Gotje zamolio je četiri koreografske zvezde da kreiraju svoju verziju ovog baleta, a kako to izgleda, videćemo u okviru 19. Beogradskog festivala igre koji će se održati od 16. marta do 12. aprila / Eric Gauthier asked four stars of choreography to create their own versions of this ballet, and we’ll get a chance to see what that looks like at the 19 th Belgrade Dance Festival, to run from 16 th March to 12 th April N a pominjanje ovog ultima- tivnog klasičnog ostvare- nja slike i asocijacije nado- laze same od sebe: jezero na mesečini, igra malih
A s soon as you mention the ti- tle of this ultimate classical bal- let, the images and associations emerge by themselves: a lake lit by moonlight, the Dance of the Little Swans, Prince Siegfried torn between Odette and Odile, the evil sorcerer Rothbart. There have been countless traditional rendi- tions, modern interpretations and spoofs, both on the stage and the big screen. So, is there nothing more to say about Swan Lake? Cer- tainly not! At least if you come up with a new format for the story... This is precisely what’s been done by Cana- dian-German dancer, choreographer, actor and musician Eric Gauthier, the man who heads the Stuttgart based troupe “Gauthier Dance”. He asked four choreography stars to create their own versions of Swan Lake, but these works aren't meant to add up to a full-length piece, but rather to Swan Lakes in the plural: a bill including four individual Swan Lake adapta- tions, each lasting around 20 minutes and each as stylistically varied as the choreogra- phers themselves.
labudica, princ Zigfrid razapet između Odete i Odilije, zli čarobnjak Rotbart. Svedoci smo bezbroj tradicionalnih po- stavki, modernih interpretacija i tuma- čenja kako na pozornici, tako i na film- skom platnu. Da li je moguće još nešto reći o Labudovom jezeru ? Svakako da nije, osim ako ne smislite potpuno nov format... Učinio je to kanadsko-nemački igrač, koreograf, glumac i muzičar Erik Gotje, čovek na čelu štutgardske trupe Gotje dens . Angažovao je četiri vrhunska ko- reografa da naprave komade koji nisu osmišljeni kako bi činili celovečernju predstavu, već da prikažu labudova je- zera u množini – kompoziciju koja sa- drži četiri lične adaptacije. Svaka traje oko 25 minuta i svaka je stilski različi- ta baš koliko i autori.
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