kultura / culture
Bez naslova Koreografija: Kajetano Soto
Labudov kolač Koreografija: Hofeš Šehter
Delo Kajetana Sota za ovu kompilaciju pokazuje trenutak transformacije čoveka u životinju, od žene do labudice, či- neći vidljivim efekat i magiju čarolije. Univerzalan je, natkul- turalan, svojstven svakom stvorenju i ne može se prepisati. Zaštitni znak Kajetana Sota su neobične ideje i ekscen- tričan, ali posve nežan pogled na svet. Španski koreo- graf oseća privlačnost prema onima koji tragaju – ljudima i umetnicima koji se ne uklapaju u koncepte. Zato je i njego- vo Labudovo jezero uzbuđujuće. Originalna muzika mladog kompozitora Pitera Gregsona donosi pretpostavku da će labudovi učiniti sve kako ne bi ostali u liniji…
Mračni zloslutni mehurići nadvijaju se nad bajkom o labu- dovom jezeru, priči koja se temelji na pretpostavci lepog, nevinog i čistog. U Šehterovoj verziji ništa nije ni čisto, ni nevino. Stvorena od onih koji nemaju dom, mesto i izbor – priča opisuje stremljenja, maštu i snove koji su za naše oči mračna, patetična, ponekad smešna verzija stvari. Među- tim, razvaline naše percepcije lepote isplivavaju na povr- šinu, a javna domunđavanja i prihvatanja vrednosti kojima smo se hranili bivaju otkrivena.
Ovi labudovi će učiniti sve kako ne bi ostali u liniji These swans will do anything but stay in line
SWAN CAKE Choreography: Hofesh Shechter
UNTITLED Choreography: Cayetano Soto
A dark undercurrent bubbles beneath the fairy tale of “Swan Lake”, a story based on the assumption of the beautiful, pure and clean. In Shechter’s version, nothing is clean or pure. Delivered by those who have no home, no place, no choice – their desires, fantasies and dreams appear to our eyes as a dark, pathetic, at times humorous, version of things – but the cracks in our own perception of beauty then bubble to the surface and reveal a communal collusion and acceptance of the values we were fed.
The new work by Cayetano Soto for the bill “Swan Lake” will show the moment of transformation from man to animal, from woman to swan, by rendering the effect and magic of the spell visible. The connecting element between living creatures is the phenomenon of the instinct. It is universal, supra-cultural, inherent to all creatures and unable to be adulterated. Soto’s trademarks are unusual ideas and an eccentric, but highly sensitive view of the world. That’s because this Spanish choreographer feels drawn towards the seekers – people and artists who do not fit into our concepts. His “Swan Lake” also promises to be exciting. The original music commissioned from young composer Peter Gregson makes it a pretty safe guess that these swans will do anything but stay in line...
Tekst/Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije/Photography: Maks Richter, Jeanette Bak
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