Elevate January 2022 | Air Serbia


Erika Gotjea Eric Gauthier pitanja za / questions for

Zašto ste odlučili da bacite novo svetlo na klasiku kao što je Labudovo jezero ? – Dugo sam tražio novu celovečernju produkci- ju za Gotje dens . Novi, savremeni pogled na Labu- dovo jezero izgledao je kao dobra ideja. To je balet koji nudi dirljivu, duboko emotivnu priču. Komad koji je gotovo u potpunosti smešten u režim bajke – ali umesto da ljubavnici žive srecno do kraja živo- ta, završite sa dramatičnom, tužnom scenom u ko- joj princ umire. Međutim, što sam više razmišljao o Labudovom jezeru , to sam bolje shvatao – ovaj kla- sik nudi toliko uglova, nema šanse da se odlučim za jednog koreografa. Jeste li bili iznenađeni onim što su koreo- grafi ponudili? – Kao umetnički direktor naučio sam da očeku- jem neočekivano. Veoma sam otvoren za nove ide- je, za novi pristup. Ali moram priznati: sigurno ni- sam očekivao da ce četiri komada biti toliko različita. Svaki je karakterističan za svog autora, svaki koristi drugačiji plesni jezik – to zaista sve ovo čini veoma posebnim iskustvom. Da li bi Čajkovski bio iznenađen? – To je intrigantno pitanje! Nadam se da bi mu se svidelo. Na kraju krajeva, on je bio veoma složen lik i moderan kompozitor po merilima svog vreme- na. Četiri koreografa mu svakako iskazuju veliko po- štovanje u svojim komadima. Njegova muzika je deo svih kompozicija iz ovih adaptacija i ima mnogo skri- venih referenci. Šta ce nam ove savremene verzije otkriti i ponuditi? – Labudovo jezero nudi toliko uglova, toliko ra- zličitih pristupa… Predodređeno je da ga interpreti- ra i reinterpretira svaka nova generacija koreografa. Priča je mit, otvorenost je deo njenog DNK. Uvek ce biti šta da se istraži i otkrije. Uvek će biti nečega što niko ranije nije video.

Why did you decide to shed new light on such a classic as Swan Lake? - I had been looking for a new full-length evening production for Gauthier Dance for quite some time. A new modern take on Swan Lake seemed like a good idea. It is a ballet that offers a touching, deeply emo- tional story. A piece that is almost completely set in a fairy tale mode – but instead of the lovers living happily ever after, you end up with this dramatic, sad scene where the prince dies. The more I thought about Swan Lake, though, the more I realised: this classic piece offers so many angles – I can’t possibly decide on a single choreographer. Were you surprised by what the choreogra- phers offered? - As the artistic director of Gauthier Dance, I have learnt to expect the unexpected. I am very open to new ideas, to a new approach. But I must admit that I certainly didn’t expect the four pieces to be that dif- ferent. Each is so characteristic of its creator; each uses such a different dance language – it really makes Swan Lakes a very special dance experience. Would Tchaikovsky be surprised? - That’s an intriguing question! I hope he would have liked it. After all, he was a very complex charac- ter and a modern composer by the standards of his time. The four choreographers certainly show him a lot of respect in their pieces. His music is part of all Swan Lakes compositions, there are a lot of hidden references. What will contemporary versions reveal and offer? - Swan Lake offers so many angles, invites so many different approaches – it is destined to be interpreted and re-interpreted by every new generation of chore- ographers. The story is a myth, openness is part of its DNA. There will always be something to explore and to discover what no one else has seen before.

Dance » Igra | 39

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