Postepeno povećanje broja letova na liniji ka Rimu Gradual increase of frequencies on Rome route Sa prelaskom na letnji red letenja naredne godine Er Srbi- ja planira povećanje broja nedelj- nih letova na liniji Beograd–Rim. Srpska nacionalna avio-kompa- nija trenutno leti tri puta nedelj- no iz prestonice Srbije ka glav- nom gradu Italije, a uz postepeno povećanje tog broja planirano je da se do Rima leti svakog dana u
sedmici počev od 7. juna 2022. godine. Odluka o povećanju bro- ja letova na ovoj ruti doneta je zbog interesovanja putnika i bu- duće saradnje sa novom italijan- skom nacionalnom avio-kompa- nijom ITA ervejz .
With the start of next year’s summer season, Air Serbia plans to increase the number of weekly fli- ghts on the Belgrade-Rome rou- te. The Serbian national airline cu- rrently flies three times a week from the capital of Serbia to the capital of Italy, and with this gradual increase in frequencies it plans to fly to Rome daily, starting from 7 th June 2022. The decision to increase the frequency on this route was made in response to the interest of pas- sengers, but also in light of the futu- re cooperation with new Italian nati- onal airline ITA Airways.
Do Rima će Er Srbija leteti svakog dana u sedmici počev od 7. juna ove godine Air Serbia will fly to Rome daily, starting from 7 th June 2022
bia, after which its expansion was halted by the global pandemic. Air Serbia’s passenger numbers curren- tly stand at 57% of the numbers from 2019. In the first three quarters of the last year, Serbia’s flag carrier had a 51% market share at Belgrade Niko- la Tesla Airport, up six percentage points compared to the same peri- od of 2019.
re successful than the previous one, and let’s hope this trend continues in the future as well. Our goal is to fully recover and get back to the 2019 le- vel, and we are on the right track in this regard. Still, we are aware that the situation with the coronavirus pandemic is getting worse, and we are cautiously planning for the upco- ming period, relying primarily on our
flexibility and ability to quickly adapt to circumstances on the market”, sa- id Jiri Marek, General Manager, Com- mercial and Strategy, at Air Serbia. Serbia’s national airline carried 2.8 million passengers in the re- cord-setting 2019. During that year, the company introduced as many as 23 new routes and launched opera- tions at another two airports in Ser-
Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 45
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