Jurija Gagarina 14ž, New Belgrade, Belville Tel:069/15-19-000 Radno vreme / Working hours : ponedeljak–subota od 9 do 20 h / Mondays to Saturdays from 9am to 8pm Instagram: Magellan_1519 / www.magellan.rs
Čuveni moreplovac Ferdinand Magelan bio je portugalski istraži- vač koji je plovio pod španskom zastavom. Život ove značajne istorijske ličnosti, njegov avantu- ristički duh i otkrića koja su i te kako uticala i na razvoj kulinar- skog sveta poslužili su kao inspi- racija prilikom kreiranja imena i koncepta ovog restorana. Sam restoran enterijerski je uređen kao pravi moderan brod, u kom preovlađuju prirodni ma- terijali, tikovina, drvo i koža. In- teresantno je to da su korišćeni materijali koji se inače upotre- bljavaju pri izradi brodova. Restoran se sastoji iz četiri segmenta: glavne sale kapacite- ta 30 sedećih mesta, potpalublja sa 16 sedećih mesta, koje uz vi- Najbolja kuhinja i vino u Beogradu Zaplovite s Magellanom i uživajte u talasima novih ukusa koji vas nose putem svetske gastro scene
The Finest Cuisine and Wine in Belgrade Embark on a voyage with Magellan and enjoy waves of new flavours that lead you through the world’s gastronomic scene Famous seafarer Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who sailed under the flag of Spain’s Hispanic Monarchy. The life of this important historical figure, his adventurous spirit and discoveries that have had a major influence on the de- velopment of the culinary world, served as inspiration when creating the name and concept of this restaurant. The interior of the restaurant itself has been dec- orated to resemble a genuine modern ship, domi- nated by natural materials like teak, wood and leath- er. Interestingly, the materials used are also generally used in the construction of ships. The restaurant consists of four segments: the main hall, with a capacity of 30 seats, the lower deck, with 16 seats and video aquariums that complete the nautical experience, the Captain’s Cabin, an intimate space with a shelf that’s rich with wine labels, pro- sciutto and top-quality cheeses, and which has a ca- pacity for up to eight people, and finally the garden, which started operating last summer, remains open throughout most of the year and can seat 50. The restaurant also owns 20 parking spaces. This venue is ideal for business lunches and dinners, thanks to the pleasant atmosphere. The kitchen staff includes a team of young chefs led by head chef Aleksandar Ilić, who em- phasises: “When serving food, we want to awaken those senses that will participate in the creating of a unique experience. The most strongly represent- ed options on the menu are Mediterranean dishes, river fish and the highest quality cuts of meat. We use authentic domestic and international ingredi- ents for preparation. There is also a current set tast- ing menu of 11 gangs, which can be paired with the best wines. Our sommeliers are available to pres- ent the wine list, which consists of over 150 select domestic and foreign wines. The offer also includes exclusive alcoholic spirits, as well as local rakija brandies. Guests always return for the good food, service and positive energy.”
deo-akvarijume upotpunjuju do- življaj plovidbe, Kapetanove so- be, intimnog prostora s policom bogatom vinskih etiketa, pršu- tom i sirevima vrhunskog kvali- teta, kapaciteta do osam osoba, i na kraju bašte, koja je prethod- nog leta počela s radom. Otvo- rena je većim delom godine i poseduje 50 sedećih mesta. U vlasništvu restorana je i 20 par- king mesta. Idealan je za poslovne ručko- ve i večere, s obzirom na prijat- nu atmosferu karakterističnog dizajna. U kuhinji radi mladi tim ku- vara na čelu sa šefom Aleksan- drom Ilićem koji ističe: „Prilikom posluženja hrane želimo da pro- budimo ona čula koja će učestvovati u stvaranju je- dinstvenog doživljaja. Najviše su zastupljena mediteranska jela, rečna riba i najkvalitetniji koma- di mesa. Za pripremu koristimo autentične domaće i internaci- onalne namirnice. Aktuelan je i degustacioni set meni od 11 gan- gova, koji može biti uparen sa najboljim vinima. Naši somelije- ri su tu da predstave vinsku kar- tu sastavljenu od preko 150 oda- branih domaćih i stranih vina. U ponudi su i ekskluzivna alkohol- na pića, kao i domaće rakije. Go- sti se uvek vraćaju zbog dobre hrane, usluge i dobre energije.”
Tekst / Words: Miodrag Aleksić Fotografije / Photography: Žarko Radovančev
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