Lajfstajl / Lifestyle
GUA SHA & FEJS JOGA / GUA SHA & FACE YOGA Koristeci masažu i vežbe koje stimulišu mišice, kožu i limfni sistem, fejs joga je tehnika smišljena da omekša i opusti mišice lica kako bi se ublažili napetost i stres. Ova joga može poboljšati izgled lica, osloboditi ga napetosti, smanjiti bore, ojačati i tonirati mišice, pojačati cirkulaciju i protok krvi... Gua Sha kamenje se koristi kao dodatak jogi za lice, kao alat za ublažavanje napetosti i oblikovanje kože. Savršeno je za borbu protiv ožiljaka od akni i tamnih fleka dok stimuliše limfnu drenažu. / Using massage therapy and exercises that stimulate the muscles, skin and lymphatic system, Face Yoga is a technique designed to soften and relax your face muscles, thereby helping to alleviate stress and tension. The exercises included in face yoga may improve the appearance of your face, release tension, reduce stress lines, strengthen and tone facial muscles, increase circulation and blood flow. Gua Sha stones are used to complement Face Yoga, as a tool used to relieve tension and sculpt skin. This technique is perfect for combating acne scars and reducing puffiness and dark spots, while promoting lymphatic drainage.
U ovoj godini tehnologija će nam pomoći i da pratimo nivo stresa. Pametni satovi i telefonske aplikacije sve se više koriste za određivanje stresa kroz merenje otkuca- ja srca. Prateći male fluktuacije, varijabla otkucaja sr- ca može da se koristi za kontinuirano pracenje stresa tokom dana pokazujući koji su napeti momenti u da- nu. Ove informacije je važno uzeti u obzir kako bismo se prilagodili, vodili računa o svojim osnovnim potre- bama i obezbedili sebi uravnotežen život. / We en- visage technology as a great means of tracking stress in the coming year. Highlighted smartwatches and mobile phone applications have increasingly developed a grasp on determining stress through heart rate variability. By measuring small fluctuations in the beating of the heart, the heart rate variable can be used to track stress contin- uously throughout the day, providing a clear indication if you are experiencing a stressful moment in your day. It is important to consider this information in order to adjust, take care of our basic needs and maintain an awareness of how we’re doing overall, thus ensuring a balanced life.
IMUNOZDRAVLJE / IMMUNE HEALTH U ovoj godini videcemo kontinuirani rast i naglasak na jačanju imu- niteta jer smo već umorni od zagađivača, a imunitet je u velikoj me- ri povezan sa ishranom. Zato jedite zdravu hranu kao što su voce, povrce, žitarice od celih zrna, proteini, mlečna hrana sa malim pro- centom masti i probiotici. Uzimajte sve one sastojke koji telu obezbe- đuju ključne hranljive materije za zdravlje i lepotu. / We will see con- tinued growth and an emphasis on immune health during this year, as we remain wary of possible contaminants. Immune health is strong- ly connected to nutritional health. Eating healthy foods – such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, low-fat dairy products, nutrition- al yeasts, probiotics – and active ingredients provide our body with key nutrients and effective solutions that support health and beauty.
68 | Velnes » Wellness
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