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Nikad nisu bili čak ni nominovani

And you thought they already had an Oscar? They’ve never even been nominated They may have won the occasional Golden Globe and other awards, but the Academy has never even taken them into consideration for Hollywood’s most prestigious award We love them and watch them, some of them have become leg- ends, unforgettable symbols of Hollywood’s most beautiful period, but they were never taken seriously – at least when it comes to the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. There are many great ac- tors who haven’t taken home the so-desired Oscar golden statuette, but these stars have never even been nominated...

A mislili ste da imaju Oskara? Dobijali su ponekad Zlatni globus i druge nagrade, ali ih Akademija nikad nije uzela u obzir za najprestižniju holivudsku nagradu Volimo ih, gledamo ih, neki su po- stali legende, nezaboravni simboli najlep- šeg perioda Holivuda, ali nikada nisu bili shvaćeni ozbiljno. Bar ne kada je reč o Američkoj akademi- ji filmskih umetnosti i nauka. Mnogi sjajni glum- ci nisu kući poneli zlatnu statuu, toliko željenog Oskara, ali oni nikada nisu bili ni nominovani...

Meg Rajan Poznata kao kraljica romantičnih komedija, Meg Rajan je bila jed- na od najuspešnijih i najpopu- larnijih glumica devedestih. Po- sle manje uloge u filmu Top gan , usledili su Kad je Hari sreo Sa - li , Besani u Sijetlu , Grad anđela , Dobili ste poštu ... Za Zlatni glo- bus je nominovana za tri od četi- ri pomenuta filma (izuzev Grada anđela ), dok ju je Udruženje glu- maca nominovalo za ulogu u Ka - da muškarac voli ženu . Za Oska- ra je nikad nisu uzimali u obzir.

Meg Ryan Known as the romcom queen, Meg Ry- an was among the most successful and beloved actresses of the 1990s. Fol- lowing her minor role in the blockbust- er Top Gun, she earned her reputation with roles in the films When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, City of An- gels and You’ve Got Mail. She received Golden Globe nominations for three of these four films (the exception being City of Angels), while the Screen Ac- tors Guild nominated her for her role in When a Man Loves a Woman. She was never considered for an Oscar.

Ričard Gir Iako je važio za jednog od najvećih zavo- dinka osamesetih i devedestih, Ričard Gir se dodatno proslavio i kao dobar glumac. Prva zapažena uloga mu je bila u Rajskim danima Terensa Malika, da bi usledili Ame - rički žigolo , Oficir i džentlmen (za koji je prvi put nominovan za Zlatni globus), Klub ban - dita Frensisa Forda Kopole, Zgodna žena , za koju je po drugi put nominovan za Zlatni globus, Iskonski strah , Neverna žena i za- sigurno njegov najveći uspeh kada je reč o kritici – Čikago , za koji je najzad nagra- đen Zlatnim globusom. Iako je tom ulogom došao najbliže nomiaciji, Akademija ga je

Rita Hejvort Rita Hejvort je još jedna glu- mica čija je lepota zasenila njen talent. Hejvortova je naj- više snimala u toku tridesetih i četrdesetih godina i većina je pamti po čuvenom filmu Gil - da , u kojem igra naslovnu ulo- gu, ali je zapravo njena jedina

uloga koju je zapazila kritika bila u vesternu Svet cirkusa , za ko- ju je bila nominovana za Zlatni globus u kategoriji za najbolju glavnu žensku ulogu u drami. Iako je Akademija nije nomino- vala, Ritu je posthumno 1999. Američki filmski institut (AFI) proglasio za jednu od 25 naj- većih zvezda klasičnog Ho- livuda. Rita Hayworth Rita Hayworth is another ac- tress whose talent was over- shadowed by her beauty. Ap- pearing in films mostly during the 1930s and 1940s, Hay- worth is best remembered for her title role performance in the famous film Gilda, yet her only critically acclaimed role actually came with the West- ern Circus World, for which she was nominated for a Gold- en Globe in the category of best lead actress in a drama. Despite having never been nominated by the Academy, Rita was posthumously pro- claimed one of the 25 greatest motion picture stars of clas- sic Hollywood by the American Film Institute (AFI) in 1999.

Tekst/Words: Viktor Vilotijević Fotografije/Photography: Profimedia.rs

2003. ignorisala. Richard Gere

Brus Vilis Brus Vilis, poput svoje bivše supru- ge Demi Mur, nikada nije stigao do nominacije za najprestižniju nagra- du, ali se proslavio ulogom u sit- komu Slučajni partneri sa Sibil Še- pard, za koju je osvojio Zlatni globus (a nominovan je četiri puta). Šira publika ga uglavnom zna po filmo- vima Umri muški, Peti element , Ar - magedon , Petparačke priče ... Ipak, među najzapaženijim dramskim ulogama su se izdvojile tri, i to u fil- movima Vašar taštine Brajana de Palme, 12 majmuna Terija Gilijama i možda najpoznatija u filmu Šesto čulo . Akademija je ostala nema.

Bruce Willis Bruce Willis, just like his ex-wife Demi Moore, has never been nominated for the most pres- tigious award – the Oscar – since first be- coming famous for his role alongside Cy- bill Shepherd in the sitcom Moonlighting, for which he won a Golden Globe (and was nominated four times). He is best known to the general public worldwide for his roles in the films Die Hard, The Fifth Element, Ar- mageddon, Pulp Fiction etc. However, his most notable dramatic roles came with the films The Bonfire of the Vanities, direct- ed by Brian de Palma, Terry Gilliam’s 12 Mon- keys and, perhaps most famously of all, The Sixth Sense. The academy nonetheless re- mained silent.

Although he was considered one of the most seductive stars of the 1980s and ‘90s, Richard Gere was also celebrated as a very good actor. His first noteworthy role came in Terrence Malick’s Days of Heav- en, followed by American Gigolo, An Officer and a Gentleman (for which he received his first Golden Globe nomination), Francis Ford Coppola’s The Cotton Club, Pretty Woman (resulting in his second Golden Globe nom- ination), Primal Fear, Unfaithful and, unde- niably his greatest critical success, Chica- go, for which he finally won a Golden Globe. Despite coming closest to a nomination with this role, he was still overlooked by the Academy in 2003.

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