er srbija info / air Serbia info
Maksimalna udobnost je prioritet Maximum comfort is our priority
Uroša Ivančevića, kopilot Tri pitanja za...
Uroš Ivančević, First Officer Three questions for...
Nove mogućnosti NEW possibilities
Er Srbija je lider u avio-saobraćaju još od osnivanja kompanije 1927. godine. Sada, uz novo ime i sa novim identitetom, širom naše rastu- će mreže linija možemo da ponudimo nov koncept udobnosti tokom leta. Er Srbija leti i planira letove do preko 60 desti- nacija u Evropi, na Mediteranu, u Severnoj Ameri- ci, kako u putničkom, tako i u teretnom saobraćaju. Posredstvom naših partnerskih avio-kompanija u prili- ci smo da vam ponudimo letove do velikog broja destinacija u Evropi, Aziji i Africi. Er Srbija je od 1961. godine član Međuna- rodne asocijacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Rešeni smo da stra- teškim promenama koje su u toku nastavimo da igramo ključ- nu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Srbije. Prioritet Er Srbije je pružanje usluge izuzetnog kvaliteta za naše putnike. Cilj nam je da korisnicima usluga naše kompa- nije pružimo maksimalnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez ob- zira na klasu kojom lete. Radujemo se što smo u prilici da vam poželimo dobro- došlicu na našem letu. Er Srbija , vodeća avio-kompanija u regionu Air Serbia, the leading airline in the region
Da razbijemo neke misterije na počeku – šta su ti beli tragovi koje avion ostav- lja na nebu? – Beli tragovi na nebu nastaju
Let’s start by dispelling some mysteries – what are the white tracks that planes leave in the sky? “The white tracks across
zbog kondenzacije koja se stvara mešanjem izduvnih gasova iz mo- tora aviona sa hladnom vazduš- nom masom. Dakle, nema tu ni- kakve misterije i sve je savršeno normalno. Kada ste prvi put pomi- slili – kad porastem, bi- ću pilot? – Kada sam se kao dete sa svo- jim ocem, koji je takođe pilot, vo- zio u pilotskoj kabini aviona DC9 na letu prema Tivtu. Prilaz je bio spektakularan i ti predeli koje sam video su pomogli da donesem od- luku. Davno je rečeno da pilot ima „kancelariju sa najlepšim pogle- dom“. Moram vam sasvim otvo- reno reći da je to tačno! (smeh) Koja je destinacija Er Sr- bije najlepša u maju? – Teško je izdvojiti samo jed-
the sky are caused by conden- sation that’s created when ex- haust fumes from the air- craft engines mix with the mass of cold air. Thus, there is no kind of mystery here and everything is perfectly normal.” When did you first con- sider that you’d be a pilot when you grew up? “When I was a child and I flew in the cockpit of a DC9 plane on a flight to Tivat with my father, who is also a pi- lot. The approach was vis- ually stunning and the land- scapes that I saw helped me to make that decision. It has long been stated that a pilot has “the office with the most beautiful view”. And I have to tell you, with complete can- dour, that it’s true!” [Laughs] Which of Air Serbia’s destinations is the most beautiful in May?
Since the establishment of the company in 1927, Air Serbia has been a leader in air travel. Now, with our new name and new identity, we are redefining the concept of comfort in the air across our growing network. Air Serbia flies and plans operations to over 60 destinati- ons in Europe, the Mediterranean and North America. We al- so offer flights to many destinations in Europe, Asia and Africa, through our airline partners. Air Serbia has been a member of the International Air Tran- sport Association (IATA) since 1961. Through strategic change, we are committed to continue playing an integral role in the de- velopment of Serbia’s aviation, travel and tourism industries. At Air Serbia, delivering exceptional service is our number one priority. We are committed to ensuring our guests expe- rience the most comfortable journey possible, no matter whi- ch class they fly. It is our pleasure to welcome you aboard.
nu, jer letimo do mnogih prediv- nih destinacija koje su naročito le- pe u proleće. Ali ako baš moram, neka to bude Rim. Glavni grad Italije je magičan u svakom smi- slu sa svojim prelepim baštama u kojima se ser- vira najbolji sladoled uz čuveni espreso.
Cooperation between Air Serbia and Srbija Voz
“It’s difficult to single out just one, because we fly to many beautiful destinations that are especially beautiful in spring. But if I really must, then let it be Rome. Ita- ly’s capital city is magical in every sense, with its beau- tiful gardens serving the best ice cream alongside fa- mous espresso coffee.”
Air Serbia has established cooperation with Srbija Voz, which provides Air Serbia pas- sengers holding ticket for a flight between Belgrade and New York to take advantage of the offer of a free train ride on the Belgrade - Novi Sad rail route on board the new Soko intercity high-speed train operated by Srbija Voz, in the period from 20 March to 20 June 2022. This offer provides additional bene- fit for Air Serbia passengers with more op- tions to expand tourist tour and to visit Novi Sad, which has been declared the Europe- an Capital of Culture for 2022, as well as to plan all stages of transportation in advance and to get to the desired destination fast- er and easier and thus save time and money.
Rim je magičan sa svojim prelepim baštama u kojima se servira najbolji sladoled uz čuveni espreso / Rome is magical, with its beautiful gardens serving the best ice cream alongside famous espresso coffee
Saradnja između Er Srbije i Srbija Voza Er Srbija je uspostavila saradnju sa Srbija Vozom koja omogućava putnicima Er Srbije koji poseduju avio-kartu za let između Beograda i Njujorka da iskoriste pogodnost be- splatnog prevoza na relaciji između Beograda i Novog Sada najnovijim Inter siti brzim vozom Soko Srbija Voza , u periodu od 20. marta do 20. juna 2022. godine. Ova uslu- ga pruža dodatnu mogućnost putnicima Er Srbije da prošire turističku turu i posete Novi Sad, koji je proglašen Evropskom prestonicom kulture za 2022.godinu, kao i da unapred isplaniraju sve etape prevoza i da brže i jednostavnije stignu do željene de- stinacije i tako uštede vreme i novac.
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