Madrid / Madrid 195 min. od Beograda: from Belgrade:
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Bez obzira na to imate li ogra- ničen budžet ili vam novča - nik dozvoljava da sebi pružite sve moguće poslastice i luk - suz, Madrid vas nece izneve - riti. Njegova kulturna ponuda krece se od besplatnog ula - ska u muzeje do ekskluzivnih VIP zona, a osim toga, ovaj grad ne razume predrasude. Ovde će uživati oni sa porodi - com, tradicionalni putnici, oni alternativniji i ekstravagantni - ji, ali možda najviše oni koji žele da otkriju flamenko ili su već odavno ljubitelji. Dobro došli u prestonicu flamenka U Španiji maj predstavlja po - slednji mesec mirne prolecne sezone pre vrelog i zabavnog leta. To je vreme za uživanje na plažama i lagani obilazak ulica Madrida i Valensije. A postoje i neki jedinstveni do - gađaji i festivali tokom ovog meseca koje ne bi trebalo propustiti. Uostalom, lako je otici, samo treba da odletite Er Srbijom … Madrid en danza Madrid je najbolji u maju jer postaje evropski centar igre zahvaljujuci festivalu koji pred - stavlja najnovije međunarod - ne, nacionalne i lokalne ple - sove. Ovogodišnje 37. izdanje održava se od 29. aprila do 14. juna, sa predstavama u alter - nativnim prostorima, privat - nim pozorištima i na drugim mestima u gradu. Svake go - dine Madrid en danza uspeva da pomeša novo i tradicional - no kroz program koji uključu -
Whether you’re on a limi- ted budget can afford to tre- at yourself to a luxurious bre- ak, Madrid won’t let you down. Its cultural offer ranges from free-entry museums to the most exclusive VIP zones, and this city also has no compre- hension of prejudice. The op- tions for enjoying Madrid with the family are just as infini - te, as they represent the most frequent traditional visitors, the most alternative, extrava- gant and even the most fla- menco visitors. The capital of flamenco In Spain, the month of May re- presents the final month of spring tranquillity before the hot and fun-filled summer. This is a time for enjoying beaches and strolling the streets of Ma- drid and Valencia. This month is also the time of some unique events and festivals that you simply mustn’t miss. And getting there has never been easier – simply fly away with Air Serbia… Madrid en Danza That’s why the city of Madrid is at its best in May. It’s then that it becomes the Europe- an centre of dance, thanks to the Madrid en Danza internati- onal dance festival, which pre- sents the latest in international, national and local dance. The 37th edition takes place this year from 29th April to 14th Ju- ne, with performances held at alternative venues, private the- atres and other venues acro- ss the city. Every year, Madrid en Danza manages to fuse the
Vodimo vas u Madrid i Valensiju We’re taking you to Madrid and Valencia
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Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15
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