Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news
Nova ruta proslavljena je uz tortu u bojama Er Srbije The new route was celebrated with a cake in the colors of Air Serbia
Third destination in Spain
The Serbian national airline will be operating flights to its third destination in Spain twice a week - on Wednesdays and Saturdays during May, then, from early June onwards, on Thursdays and Sundays. Air Serbia’s inaugural flight officially departed from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport and was welcomed at Valencia Airport, which is located just eight kilome- tres from the city and, as Spain’s tenth busiest airport, contributes significantly to the economic develop- ment of the entire area. A ceremony held to mark the occasion was attended by Spanish Ambassador to Serbia H.E. Raúl Bartolomé Molina, Serbian Ambassa- dor to Spain H.E. Katarina Lalić-Smajević, and repre- sentatives of Air Serbia and Valencia Airport. “We are very happy to start the new expansion of our network by launching the Valencia service and strengthening our presence in Spain. We are convin- ced that this will contribute to improved connectivity and the development of commercial and tourist acti- vities between our two countries,” said Air Serbia Ge- neral Manager, Commercial and Strategy, Boško Ru- pić. The flight schedule for this route has been desi- gned to provide passengers with convenient conne- ctions via Belgrade to numerous other cities in the Air Serbia network, such as Athens, Bucharest, Dubrov- nik, Larnaca, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Split, Thessaloniki, Tirana and Tivat. Following the introduction of flights to Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia, Air Serbia will soon launch flights to its fourth destination in Spain: Palma de Mallorca. Seasonal flights along this route will operate twice a week – on Tuesdays and Saturdays – from 11 th June to 29 th October. On 21 st April, with flight JU594 operated by an Airbus A320, Air Serbia established direct flights between Belgrade and Valencia for the first time ever AIR SERBIA INTRODUCES FLIGHTS TO VALENCIA
Inauguracioni let srpskog avio- prevoznika svečano je ispraćen sa Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd Air Serbia’s inaugural flight was officially departed from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Airport
Posle Barselone, Madrida i Valensije Er Srbija uskoro uvodi letove i do svoje četvrte destinacije u Španiji – Palma de Majorke Following the introduction of flights to Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia, Air Serbia will soon launch flights to its fourth destination in Spain: Palma de Mallorca
Treća destinacija u Španiji
Srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija će do Valensije, svoje treće destinacije u Španiji, saobraća- ti dva puta nedeljno – sredom i subotom tokom maja, a zatim od početka juna, četvrtkom i nedeljom. Inauguracioni let srpskog avio-prevoznika svečano je ispraćen sa Aerodroma Nikola Tesla Beograd i doče- kan na Aerodromu Valensija, desetom najprometnijem španskom aerodromu, koji je smešten na osam kilome- tara od grada i značajno doprinosi ekonomskom razvo- ju cele oblasti. Tim povodom upriličena je svečana cere- monija, uz prisustvo ambasadora Španije u Srbiji Raula Bartolomea Moline, ambasadorke Srbije u Španiji Kata- rine Lalić Smajević, predstavnika Er Srbije i aerodroma. – Veoma nas raduje što novo širenje mreže zapo- činjemo uspostavljanjem letova za Valensiju i jačanjem našeg prisustva u Španiji. Uvereni smo da ćemo do- prineti još boljoj povezanosti i razvoju komercijalne i tu- rističke aktivnosti između naše dve zemlje – izjavio je Boško Rupić, direktor za komercijalu i strategiju Er Sr- bije . Red letenja na ovoj liniji osmišljen je tako da putni- cima pruža pogodne konekcije sa brojnim gradovima iz ER SRBIJA POČELA DA LETI ZA VALENSIJU Er Srbija je 21. aprila, letom JU594 avionom erbas A320, uspostavila direktne letove na liniji između Beograda i Valensije
Red letenja na ovoj liniji osmišljen je tako da putnicima pruža pogodne konekcije sa brojnim gradovima iz mreže Er Srbije The flight schedule for this route has been designed to provide passengers with convenient connections via Belgrade to numerous other cities in the Air Serbia network
mreže Er Srbije preko Beograda, kao što su Atina, Buku- rešt, Dubrovnik, Larnaka, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skoplje, Solun, Sofija, Split, Tirana i Tivat. Posle Barselone, Madrida i Valensije Er Srbija usko- ro uvodi letove i do svoje četvrte destinacije u Španiji – Palma de Majorke. Sezonski letovi na toj ruti obavljaće se od 11. juna do 29. oktobra, dva puta nedeljno – utor- kom i subotom.
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