Elevate September 2022 | Air Serbia



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Salcburg je jedan od najpo - znatijih gradova Austrije, ko - ji se nalazi u blizini granice sa Nemačkom, rodno je me - sto kompozitora Volfgan - ga Amadeusa Mocarta, ali je svetski poznat i po impresiv - noj srednjovekovnoj i baro - knoj arhitekturi. Zato ne čudi što je 1997. godine uvršten i u Uneskovu listu svetske ba - štine kao grad „izvanredne vrednosti za čovečanstvo“. Ovo će biti tek fragmen - ti svega što vas tamo čeka ukoliko odletite direktnim le - tom Er Srbije . Ostalo ćete morati da otkrivate sami… REGION SALCKAMERGUT Na samo 20 minuta vožnje od Salcburga nalazi se ne - verovatan alpski krajolik: planinski vrhovi, jezera, re - ke, živopisna sela i gradići. Salckamergut je zemlja ču - da u kojoj su isprepletane staze za pešačenje, skijanje i brdski biciklizam. Uputite se žičarom na spektakular - nu vožnju do vrha planine Cvelferhorn. Odatle se pru - ža sjajan pogled na čitav re - gion Salckamergut i jezera Volfgangze i Fušlze. Na vrhu se nalaze vidikovac i sjajna kafeterija. MOCART KUGLE Imajući na umu da je Mocart rođen u Salcburgu, logično je da je njegovo ime prisut - no svuda u gradu. Sa druge strane, Austrijanci se veko - vima odlikuju vrhunskim po - slastičarskim umećem, te je bilo logično da neko ove dve stvari spoji u jedno. A to je učinio poslastičar iz Salc - burga Pol First kada je 1890. godine stvorio sada već ču - vene mocart kugle. Okrugli slatkiš od marcipana, pista - ća i nugata, umočen u tamnu

Salzburg is one of Austria’s most famous cities. Located close to the border with Ger - many, it is the birthplace of world-renowned composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but is also famous around the world for its impressive me - dieval and baroque architectu - re. No wonder, then, that it was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1997, classified as “a city of outstanding value to humanity”. These facts only represent fragments of everyt - hing that awaits you if you opt to take a direct Air Serbia flight to this city. You’ll have to disco - ver the rest yourself… SALZKAMMERGUT REGION Incredible landscapes await you just a 20-minute drive from Salzburg, encompassing mo - untain peaks, lakes, rivers and picturesque villages and small towns. The Salzkammergut re - sort area is a veritable won -

derland that’s intersected by hiking trails, ski slopes and mo - untain biking runs. Catch the cable car for a spectacular ride to the top of the Zwölferhorn, where you can enjoy wonder - ful views of the entire Salzkam - mergut region, including Lake Fuschl and Lake Wolfgang. At the top you will find an obser - vation point and cafeteria. MOZARTKUGEL Given that Mozart was born in Salzburg, it’s quite logical that his name would be pre - sent all over the city. On the ot - her hand, Austrians have been known for their superb con - fectionary skills for centuries. It was thus inevitable that so - meone would one day combi - ne the two to create something special. And that’s precise - ly what Salzburg confectioner Paul Fürst did back in 1890, when he created the now fa - mous little balls known as Mo - zartkugel. This small, round su -

Na reci Salcah koja prolazi kroz grad nalazi se 13 mostova, kao i mnogobrojne biciklističke staze i parkovi The Salzach River, which traverses the city, boasts 13 bridges and

numerous cycle lanes and parks

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