If you don’t fancy dining in a restaurant, you will find food stalls all across the city in the evenings selling renowned lo - cal sausages, so-called Na - chtwürstelstand (lit. Night-time sausage stands), which form part of the Austrian street fo - od tradition. Served with sliced bread or a bun and seasoned with mustard and sauerkraut, it’s pretty much obligatory for them to be accompanied by cold beer or a glass of Schna - pps. WORLD’S OLDEST GNOME GARDEN Salzburg is also the perfect place to visit a gnome garden! It was back in 1715 that Prin - ce-Archbishop Franz Anton Harrach ordered 28 statues of dwarves. Many were based on real people and existed peace - fully in the park until the ear - ly 1800s, when King Ludwig I of Bavaria banned their presen - ce, fearing that the dwarves would bring him misfortune. It was around a century later that they were reunited in the gar - den, though several of them went missing in the meantime and no one is quite sure what happened to them. They are lo - cated immediately next to Mi - rabell Gardens, which leads us onto our next port of call… THE SOUND OF MUSIC IS EVERYWHERE While exploring Mirabell Gar - dens, you'd be forgiven for thin - king how strangely familiar the location looks. Yes, it was he - re that the Do-Re-Mi song sce - ne for the film The Sound of Music was shot. The film was shot entirely in Salzburg, and you’ll find it impossible to avo - id the large buses emitting mu - sic from their speakers whi - le you're in the city. They form part of The Sound of Music to - ur, which you should certain -
vratimo vrtu Mirabel. Možda ce vas razočarati kada sa - znate da unutrašnjost kuce prikazana u filmu zapravo ne postoji. Međutim, još uvek možete posetiti palatu Hel - brun, opatiju Nonburg i crkvu u kojoj je snimljeno venčanje iz filma, što su tek neke od lokacija. RAJ KLASIČNE MUZIKE Velikan klasične muzike Mo - cart rođen je u Salcburgu, ali veze grada sa klasičnom mu - zikom su još dublje. Salcbur - ški festival, koji se održava svakog leta, najveci je kul -
odmah pored bašte Mirabel, što vodi do sledece tačke… ZVUK MUZIKE JE SVUDA Dok istražujete vrtove Mi - rabel, bice vam oprošteno što mislite da lokacija izgle - da čudno poznato. Da, bili su mesto snimanja veceg dela pesme Do-Re-Mi iz filma Mo- je pesme, moji snovi . Film je u celini snimljen u Salcburgu, a dok ste u gradu, nemoguce je propustiti velike autobuse iz čijih zvučnika dopire mu - zika. Oni su deo turneje The Sound of Music , pa ako ste fan, samo napred. Ali da se
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