OBERHINTEREG FARMA Ovo je mesto gde možete na sjajan način da osetite tradicionalni austrijski na - čin života na selu. Zanimlji - vo porodično gazdinstvo ko - je posluje od 1874. godine proizvodi sir, dimljeno meso, mleko, začinsko bilje, hleb, peciva, sladoled, a poznati su i po uzgoju pčela. U okvi - ru farme se nalazi i odličan restoran, a možete pohađa - ti i kurs pčelarstva kao i na - učiti kako se pravi odličan domaći hleb.
dinner, at the oldest restaurant in Europe, St Peter Stiftskeller (with a 1200-year tradition). The evening will transport you back to the time of Mozart, wi - th candlelit entertainment and a menu based on historical re - cipes that are served during concert breaks. SHADE ON THE BANKS OF THE SALZACH It’s always worth doing as the locals do whenever you vi - sit any city. And locals in Salz - burg all relax on the grassy banks of the Salzach River. You can sit back on sloping banks just above the water's edge, or find a sun-drenched bench on the promenade abo -
ve. Whichever you prefer, be sure to pack a picnic, grab an ice cream and relax while enjoying the views. OBERHINTEREGG FARM Visit Oberhinteregg Farm to experience Austria’s traditio - nal rural way of life in a won - derful way. This interesting fa - mily farmstead, which has been operating since 1874, produces cheese, smoked me - at, milk, herbs, bread, pastries and ice cream, while it’s also known for its beekeeping tra - dition. The farm also includes an excellent restaurant, while you can take a course in bee - keeping and learn how to ma - ke excellent homemade bread.
Lokalni stanovnici u Salcburgu se opuštaju na travnatim obalama reke Salcah Locals in Salzburg all relax on the grassy banks of the Salzach River
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