Emili Kari kao Alisent Hajtauer
Mlada Britanka igra u filmovima i seri- jama od kada je bila devojčica, pa ve- liki projekti za nju predstavljaju očeki- vani razvoj karijere. U seriji Kuća zmaja ima jednu od glavnih uloga, igra Ali- sent Hajtauer, devojku koju ambicio- zni otac gura u ruke starog kralja. Ne bi li prigrabili za sebe moć i novac, Ali- sent postaje druga žena kralja Viseri- sa i Targerijena... Nezaobilazno pitanje je da li ste pre ovoga bili fan serije Igra prestola ? – Nisam gledala, prosto nisam bila za-
interesovana za fanta- ziju. Znam da nije po- pularno, ali sam više devojka za romantič- ne komedije (smeh). Ali kada sam na kra- ju sela i pogledala se- riju, shvatila sam zašto se ljudima sviđa. Nije samo to što ima zma- jeva, tako jakih likova i zamršene priče. Za- pravo možete sa seri- jom da se poistoveti- te, čak i danas. Vi igrate Alisent kao mladu devojku, a Oli- vija Kuk preuzima lik tokom serije, igraju- ći njenu stariju verzi- ju. Da li ste radile za- jedno? – Nismo puno priča- le i zapravo je dogovor bio da se na početku i ne upoznamo uopšte. Znate, deset godina je mnogo vremena, igramo dve različite verzije jedne iste oso- be. Moj lik se totalno
Mlada Britanka igra devojku koju ambiciozni otac gura u ruke starog kralja This young British actress is portraying a girl pushed into the arms of an old king by her ambitious father
with the series, even today.” You portray Alicent as a young wo- man, then Olivia Cooke takes over the character over the course of the series, playing the older version. Did you work together? “We didn’t talk much, and there was ac- tually an agreement for us not to meet at all initially. You know, 10 years is a long time, we’re playing two different ver- sions of the same person. My charac- ter totally changed, on her own, through the process of growing up, but she was forced by circumstance and other peo- ple to change and adapt. We only met somewhere towards the end of filming, because the show’s directors and cre- ators wanted me to build my own char- acter. But working with Matt Smith and Paddy Considine was amazing. They constantly push you in the right direc- tion, teach you how to conduct yourself on set, to assess when you should say something and when you should listen to others. That was really priceless.”
This young British actress has been performing in films and series since she was a little girl, so major projects represent an expected career devel- opment pathway for her. She plays one of the lead roles in the show House of the Dragon, portraying Alicent Hightower, a girl pushed into the arms of an old king by her ambitious father. In order to avoid them seizing power and riches for themselves, Alicent be- comes the second wife of King Viserys I Targaryen... The unavoidable question: were you previously a fan of Game of Thrones? “I didn’t watch it; I simply wasn’t inter- ested in fantasy. I know that’s not popu- lar, but I’m more of a romantic comedy kind of girl [laughs]. But when I finally sat down and watched the series, I realised why people like it. It’s not just that it has dragons, such strong characters and an intricate story. You can actually identify
promenio, sam po sebi, kroz odrasta- nje, ali su je okolnosti i drugi ljudi nate- rali da se menja i prilagođava. Tek smo se negde pri kraju snimanja srele, jer su reditelji i kreatori serije želeli da sa- ma gradim svoj lik. Ali raditi sa Metom Smitom i Padijem Konsidinom, to je bilo neverovatno! Guraju vas stalno u pravom pravcu, uče kako da se pona- šate na setu, da procenite kada tre- ba da kažete nešto, kada da saslušate druge. Zaista je bilo neprocenjivo.
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