Elevate September 2022 | Air Serbia


uzbudljivom putovanju je i tvrđa- va Golubac, smeštena na takozva- noj Gvozdenoj kapiji Dunava, za- hvaljujući čemu je ovo utvrđenje imalo važan strateško-geopolitič- ki značaj. Prvi put ova tvrđava bi- će prikazana iz vazduha, a kamere će otkriti njene tajne. Iz bogate prošlosti brzim prela- zom stižemo u sadašnjost – ili u bu- dućnost? Gledaoci ce videti prizor koji zaustavlja dah: izgradnju Kule visoke 168 metara – nebodera koji se nalazi u samom srcu Beograda, na obali reke Save, u novom mo- dernom epicentru srpske prestoni- ce poznatom kao Beograd na vodi. Lepote Srbije nisu potpune bez slika srpskog sela. Ovog puta one su prikazane odozgo. Donja Lokošnica poznata je kao svetska prestonica paprike, a kamere Evrope odozgo ot- krice kako ovo selo postaje purpur- no dok se sa skoro svih kuca tokom leta crvene nizovi sušenih paprika. Kamere će posetiti i Specijalni rezervat prirode Zasavica , u kom ne- smetano živi više od 200 magaraca spasenih iz svih delova Balkana. Od mleka magarica dobija se najsku- plji sir na svetu čija cena može da dostigne i 1.000 evra za kilogram.

of the Danube, thanks to which this for- tification played an important geostrate- gic role. This fortress will be shown from the air for the first time, with the camer- as revealing its surprising secrets. We swiftly transition from the rich past to reach the present – or the future? Viewers will see a scene that will leave them breathless: the construction of the 168-metre-tall “Kula Belgrade” tower - a skyscraper located right at the heart of Belgrade, nestled on the bank of the River Sava, in the new modern epicen- tre of the Serbian capital known as the Belgrade Waterfront. The beauty of the country wouldn’t be complete without shots of rural Ser- bia. And this time that beauty is shown from above. Donja Lokošnica is known as the “world capital of bell peppers”, and the cameras of Europe From Above will reveal how this village turns a shade of magenta as rows of dried peppers on al- most every house redden during the sum- mer months. Cameras will also visit the Zasavi- ca Special Nature Reserve, where more than 200 donkeys rescued from all parts of the Balkans live undisturbed. Donkey milk is used to create the world’s most expensive cheese, which can be priced at up to 1,000 euros per kilo.

Od 18. septembra u 22.00 h ekskluzivno na kanalu National Geographic počinje nova sezona dokumentarnog serijala Evropa odozgo From 10pm on 18 th September, exclusively on the National Geographic channel, the new season of the documentary series Europe From Above begins

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